Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 2951 - 3000 of 3647
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
ÖNB Phil. gr. 24 16th Military, Engineering
ÖNB Phil. gr. 240 16th Grammar John Philoponus, Constantine Lascaris
ÖNB Phil. gr. 253 15th, 16th Proverbs Sophocles, Euripides, Hesiod, Michael Apostolius, Proclus, Plutarch, Manuel Moschopoulos
ÖNB Phil. gr. 268 16th Mathematics, Harmonics Nicomachus of Gerasa
ÖNB Phil. gr. 292 16th Hesiod
ÖNB Phil. gr. 293 16th Poems Homer, Theodore Prodromos
ÖNB Phil. gr. 294 16th Grammar Herodian
ÖNB Phil. gr. 299 16th Grammar Theodore of Gaza
ÖNB Phil. gr. 316 16th Philosophy, Rhetoric Philostratus, John of Damascus
ÖNB Phil. gr. 321 13th, 16th Rhetoric, Misc.
ÖNB Phil. gr. 330 14th, 15th, 16th Theology, Philosophy Elias Philosophus, Porphyry, John of Damascus
ÖNB Phil. gr. 332 14th, 16th Philosophy Nicephorus Blemmydes
ÖNB Phil. gr. 339 16th Grammar Theodore of Gaza
ÖNB Phil. gr. 343 16th Philosophy
ÖNB Phil. gr. 35 16th Mathematics Asclepius
ÖNB Phil. gr. 39 16th Homer
ÖNB Phil. gr. 4 15th, 16th Philosophy Aristotle
ÖNB Phil. gr. 41 16th Philosophy Aristotle, Themistius
ÖNB Phil. gr. 53 16th, 17th Grammar
ÖNB Phil. gr. 7 16th Philosophy Hermias Alexandrinus, Damascius, Plato
ÖNB Phil. gr. 85 16th Letters, Rhetoric Michael Apostolius
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 116 16th Liturgy
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 13 16th Medicine Hippocrates, Galen
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 169 16th Philosophy, Mathematics John Philoponus, Diophantus
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 170 16th Theology Gregory of Nyssa
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 171 16th Theology, Liturgy Gennadios II Scholarios
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 173 15th, 16th Lexicon John Zonaras
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 201 16th Bible, Old Testament, Theology
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 43 15th, 16th Grammar
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 8/1 16th Medicine Aetius
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 8/2 16th Medicine Aetius
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 81 16th Medicine Aetius
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 88 16th, 17th Grammar, Schedography, Rhetoric Manuel Moschopoulos
ÖNB Theol. gr. 187 15th, 16th Liturgy
ÖNB Theol. gr. 252 16th Theology, Florilegium
ÖNB Theol. gr. 1 15th, 16th Theology John Chrysostom
ÖNB Theol. gr. 102 16th Theology John Chrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria
ÖNB Theol. gr. 105 16th Theology Gregory of Nyssa, John Chrysostom
ÖNB Theol. gr. 107 16th Theology
ÖNB Theol. gr. 112 13th, 16th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, Nicetas Heracleensis
ÖNB Theol. gr. 120 11th, 12th, 16th Theology, Mythology Gregory Nazianzus
ÖNB Theol. gr. 133 13th, 16th Theology John of Damascus, Basil the Great, Gregory Nazianzus
ÖNB Theol. gr. 159 10th, 13th, 16th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus, Eusebius of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, Cyril of Alexandria
ÖNB Theol. gr. 184 16th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, Barlaam of Calabria, Theodore the Studite, Anastasius Sinaita
ÖNB Theol. gr. 208 16th Hymns John of Damascus, Eustathios of Thessaloniki
ÖNB Theol. gr. 227 16th Theology
ÖNB Theol. gr. 230 16th Bible, Theology, Philosophy, Geography Aristotle, Gregory Nazianzus, Cosmas Indicopleustes, Nicetas Heracleensis, Alexander Aphrodisias
ÖNB Theol. gr. 244 16th Misc., Poems, Romance George Choumnos, Ps.-Callisthenes
ÖNB Theol. gr. 249 16th Theology, Bible, Old Testament
ÖNB Theol. gr. 272 16th Theology John Xiphilin
