Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1 - 42 of 42
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Ambrosiana C 262 inf. 16th Engineering, Military Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
BAV Barb. gr. 22 15th Rhetoric, Philosophy, Engineering, History Aeschines, Aristotle, Plethon, Polybius
BAV Barb. gr. 267 16th Astronomy, Engineering, Mathematics, Pneumatica John Philoponus, Nicephorus Gregoras, Diophantus, Hero of Alexandria
BAV Urb. gr. 44 15th Philosophy, Engineering, Geometry Aristotle, Iamblichus
BAV Urb. gr. 76 15th, 16th Astronomy, Engineering Cleomedes, Hesiod, Aristotle
BAV Urb. gr. 79 16th Engineering, Military Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
BAV Vat. gr. 1605 11th Military, Engineering Hero of Alexandria
BAV Vat. gr. 1771 16th Military, Engineering Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
BAV Vat. gr. 219 16th Engineering, Military Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
BAV Vat. gr. 905 15th Engineering, Geometry, Animals, Philosophy John Tzetzes, Aristotle
Biblioteca Angelica gr. 109 16th Pneumatica, Engineering Hero of Alexandria
BN Grec 2115 16th Philosophy, Engineering Aristotle
BN Grec 2118 16th Engineering Aristotle
BN Grec 2435 16th Pneumatica, Military, Engineering Hero of Alexandria
BN Grec 2436 16th Pneumatica, Military, Engineering Hero of Alexandria
BN Grec 2437 16th Engineering, Military Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
BN Grec 2440 16th Mathematics, Engineering Pappus
BN Grec 2441 16th Engineering, Military
BN Grec 2445 16th Pneumatica, Military, Engineering Hero of Alexandria, Aelian, Onasander, Leo VI the Wise
BN Grec 2512 16th Pneumatica, Engineering Hero of Alexandria
BN Grec 2521 16th Engineering
BN Grec 2871 16th Engineering, Animals, Poems Manuel Philes, Pappus
BN Supplément grec 244 17th Military, Engineering Athenaeus, Hero of Alexandria
BN Supplément grec 26 16th Military, Engineering Athenaeus, Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
BNE 4720 16th Engineering, Military Leo VI the Wise, Hero of Alexandria
BNE 4788 15th, 16th Pneumatica, Engineering Hero of Alexandria
British Library Add MS 8865 18th Engineering
British Library Burney MS 105 16th Mathematics, Engineering Hero of Alexandria
British Library Burney MS 108 16th Military, Engineering
British Library Harley MS 5589 16th Engineering Hero of Alexandria
British Library Harley MS 5605 16th Engineering Hero of Alexandria
British Library Harley MS 6309 17th Engineering
BS Cod. graec. 195 16th Military, Engineering
BS Cod. graec. 431 14th Philosophy, Engineering, Pneumatica Hero of Alexandria, John Pediasimus, Asclepius
BU 1497 16th Theology, Astronomy, Engineering, Mathematics Justin Martyr, Origen, Cleomedes, John Pediasimus, Hero of Alexandria
Marciana gr. IV 57 15th Engineering Aristotle, Michael Psellus
ÖNB Phil. gr. 120 14th Military, Engineering Hero of Alexandria, Athenaeus, Euclid, Leo VI the Wise
ÖNB Phil. gr. 24 16th Military, Engineering
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.7.39 17th Astronomy, Philosophy, Engineering
U. Library Gr. 44 16th Engineering, Military Hero of Alexandria
U. Library Gr. 53 Mathematics, Astronomy, Engineering
Universitätsbibliothek AN II 44 16th Engineering, Military Athenaeus, Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise