Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1 - 50 of 108
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Ambrosiana C 262 inf. 16th Engineering, Military Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
BAV Barb. gr. 17 16th Alchemy, Military
BAV Barb. gr. 200 17th Military Arrian
BAV Barb. gr. 224 16th Military
BAV Barb. gr. 245 17th History, Military Arrian
BAV Barb. gr. 256 17th Military
BAV Barb. gr. 259 16th Military
BAV Barb. gr. 263 16th Military
BAV Barb. gr. 276 11th Military
BAV Barb. gr. 58 16th Military
BAV Barb. gr. 59 17th Military
BAV Ott. gr. 364 16th Military
BAV Pal. gr. 404 16th Military, Philosophy Porphyry, Nemesius
BAV Pal. gr. 406 16th Military Leo VI the Wise
BAV Reg. gr. 100 15th Military Leo VI the Wise
BAV Reg. gr. 84 16th Military Procopius
BAV Reg. gr. 89 17th Military
BAV Urb. gr. 107 15th Military Polyaenus
BAV Urb. gr. 79 16th Engineering, Military Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
BAV Vat. gr. 1164 11th Military
BAV Vat. gr. 1605 11th Military, Engineering Hero of Alexandria
BAV Vat. gr. 1771 16th Military, Engineering Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
BAV Vat. gr. 212 14th Military, Astronomy
BAV Vat. gr. 219 16th Engineering, Military Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
BAV Vat. gr. 989 Animals, Military Xenophon, Nonnus, Aelian
BC dell' Archiginnasio A 21 15th, 16th Military Leo VI the Wise, Aelian, Polynaeus
Biblioteca Universitaria 2730 16th Poems, Military, Animals John Tzetzes, Oppianus
Biblioteca Universitaria 2735 16th Military, Philosophy Leo VI the Wise, Sextus Empiricus
Biblioteca Universitaria 2751 16th Military, Rhetoric Leo VI the Wise, Julian Emperor of Rome
Biblioteca Vallicelliana F 47 11th, 16th Hymns, Liturgy, Law, Canon law, Military Rufus of Ephesus
BML Plut. 55.4 10th Military
BML Plut. 57.31 16th Military
BN Coislin 336 16th Harmonics, Military, Medicine Ptolemy, Galen, Aelian
BN Coislin 388 16th, 17th Military, Theology, Geography Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, John Chrysostom, Nicephorus Blemmydes
BN Grec 1357 15th Law, Military
BN Grec 1385 13th Military Leo VI the Wise
BN Grec 1686 15th Military Polyaenus
BN Grec 1687 16th Military Polyaenus
BN Grec 1688 16th Military Polyaenus
BN Grec 1774 16th History, Military Aelian, Onasander, Polyaenus, Xenophon, Bessarion, Euripides
BN Grec 1788 15th History, Constantinople, Theology, Law, Canon law, Military George Codinus, Aesop, Origen, Theodore Balsamon, Athanasius
BN Grec 2417 13th Astronomy, Military
BN Grec 2435 16th Pneumatica, Military, Engineering Hero of Alexandria
BN Grec 2436 16th Pneumatica, Military, Engineering Hero of Alexandria
BN Grec 2437 16th Engineering, Military Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
BN Grec 2441 16th Engineering, Military
BN Grec 2442 11th Military
BN Grec 2443 16th Military Aelian, Onasander
BN Grec 2445 16th Pneumatica, Military, Engineering Hero of Alexandria, Aelian, Onasander, Leo VI the Wise
BN Grec 2447 16th Military
