Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 3101 - 3150 of 3647
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 477 16th Theology John Chrysostom
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 525 16th Theology Ephraem
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 526 16th Gospel lectionary
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 63 16th Theology
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 65 15th, 16th History, Theology Constantine Manasses, John of Damascus, Nicephorus Patriarch of Constantinople
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 66 16th Theology
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 70 16th Psalter
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 73 16th Theology
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 84 16th
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 85 16th Canon law Manuel Malaxos
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 86 16th
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 87 16th
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 97 16th Theology
Patriarchal Library Photios 15 16th Astronomy
Patriarchal Library The Treasury 1 16th Gospel lectionary
Princeton UL Garrett MS 13 16th, 17th Hymns, Liturgy
Princeton UL MS 112 12th, 16th Liturgy
Princeton UL MS 176 16th, 17th Astronomy
Public Library 2 16th Bible
Public Library 4 16th Gospel lectionary
Real Academia de la Historia gr. 37 (1) 16th Theology Cyril of Alexandria
Real Academia de la Historia gr. 37 (2) 16th Theology Eusebius of Caesarea
RGB Fond 173 I 284 (gr. 116) 16th Saints lives
RGB Fond 173 I 369.1 (gr. 176) 14th, 16th Triodion
RGB Fond 201 27 (gr. 151) 16th History
RGB Fond 270 10 (gr. 14) 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th Liturgy, Bible
RGB Fond 270 25 (gr. 41) 16th Saints lives
RGB Fond 270 33 (gr. 40) 15th, 16th Saints lives
RGB Fond 270 36 (gr. 49) 14th, 16th, 17th Letters
RGB Fond 270 65 (gr. 115) 15th, 16th Saints lives Athanasius
RGB Fond 87 63 (gr. 167) 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 16th Letters
Riksarkivet E 8996 14th, 16th Letters Libanius
Royal Library Fabricius 56 16th Theognis
Royal Library GKS 1925 15th, 16th Law Constantine Harmenopoulos
Royal Library GKS 225 15th, 16th Medicine Galen
Sächsische LB A 187 16th Theology
Sächsische LB A 304 16th Bible, Poems Gregory Nazianzus
Sächsische LB A 58 16th Theology Anastasius Sinaita
Sächsische LB Da 20 16th Hesiod, John Tzetzes
Sächsische LB Da 25 15th, 16th Geography Dionysius Periegetes
Sächsische LB Da 41 16th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria
Sächsische LB Da 45m 16th Grammar Gregory Pardus
Sächsische LB Da 46 14th, 16th Rhetoric, Theology Isocrates
Sächsische LB Da 48 16th History Nicephorus Gregoras
Sächsische LB Da 49 15th, 16th Grammar Herodian
Sächsische LB Da 61 16th Poems
Sächsische LB Da 62 15th, 16th Military
Sächsische LB Da 63 15th, 16th Magic
Skokloster slott Gr. 2 15th, 16th Rhetoric Demosthenes, Libanius
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 101 16th Psalter
