Princeton Unversity Library

Barlaam of Calabria

Displaying 1 - 30 of 30
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Ambrosiana E 76 sup. 14th, 15th Harmonics, Theology Barlaam of Calabria, Ptolemy
Ambrosiana P 72 sup. 16th Mathematics, Theology Barlaam of Calabria
BAV Pal. gr. 403 16th Theology Barlaam of Calabria
BAV Pal. gr. 62 16th Geometry, Mathematics, Philosophy, Geography Maximus Planudes, Plethon, John Pediasimus, Barlaam of Calabria
BAV Vat. gr. 1756 16th, 17th Theology Bessarion, Plethon, Barlaam of Calabria, Nicephorus Gregoras, Gregory Palamas, Demetrius Cydones
BAV Vat. gr. 187 14th Harmonics, Astronomy, Mathematics Ptolemy, Porphyry, Barlaam of Calabria
BAV Vat. gr. 1917 16th Theology Barlaam of Calabria, Bessarion
BAV Vat. gr. 193 15th Geometry, Geography Proclus, Euclid, Barlaam of Calabria, Ptolemy
BAV Vat. gr. 196 14th Mathematics, Harmonics, Geometry Nicomachus of Gerasa, Ptolemy, Barlaam of Calabria, Euclid
BN Grec 1218 15th Theology Mark of Ephesus, John Zonaras, Gennadios II Scholarios, Barlaam of Calabria, Macarius Macres
BN Grec 1257 16th Theology Barlaam of Calabria
BN Grec 1278 15th Theology Barlaam of Calabria, Neilos Kabasilas
BN Grec 1286 16th Theology Mark of Ephesus, Barlaam of Calabria
BN Grec 1307 16th Theology, Church councils Barlaam of Calabria
BN Grec 1308 14th Theology Barlaam of Calabria, Cyril of Alexandria, Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BN Grec 2381 15th, 16th Misc., Mathematics, Astronomy Maximus Planudes, Barlaam of Calabria
BN Grec 2384 16th Philosophy Barlaam of Calabria
BN Grec 2486 16th Mathematics, Astronomy Barlaam of Calabria
BN Grec 2487 16th Mathematics, Astronomy Barlaam of Calabria
BN Grec 2751 16th Poems, Theology Theodore Metochites, Barlaam of Calabria, John Chrysostom
BNE 4734 16th Theology Anastasius Sinaita, Sophronius, Neilos Kabasilas, Barlaam of Calabria
BNE 4802 15th Theology, Letters Gregory Palamas, Barlaam of Calabria
BR BPG 16D 17th Harmonics Porphyry, Ptolemy, Barlaam of Calabria
BR PER Q 22 17th Harmonics Porphyry, Ptolemy, Barlaam of Calabria
BU 2432 15th Mathematics, Harmonics, Philosophy Euclid, Ptolemy, Barlaam of Calabria, Plethon
EBE 2092 17th Theology Gregory Palamas, Barlaam of Calabria, Symeon Archbishop of Thessaloniki
ÖNB Theol. gr. 101 14th Theology Barlaam of Calabria, Neilos Kabasilas
ÖNB Theol. gr. 184 16th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, Barlaam of Calabria, Theodore the Studite, Anastasius Sinaita
U of Cambridge Pembroke College 288 17th Theology Barlaam of Calabria
U. Library gr. 54 Philosophy, Astronomy Proclus, Barlaam of Calabria, Hero of Alexandria, John Pediasimus