Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1 - 50 of 4204
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Ambrosiana A 152 sup. 11th Theology John Climacus
Ambrosiana A 181 sup. 10th, 14th Theology Homer, John Chrysostom
Ambrosiana B 12 inf. 12th Theology, Saints lives Gregory Nazianzus
Ambrosiana C 100 sup. 14th Theology Philagathus of Cerami
Ambrosiana C 129 inf. 11th Theology John Chrysostom
Ambrosiana C 178 inf. 14th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
Ambrosiana C 255 inf. 16th Theology Gregory of Nyssa, Epiphanius, John of Damascus, Leo VI the Wise, Gregory Nazianzus
Ambrosiana C 264 inf. 16th Theology
Ambrosiana C 267 inf. 16th Theology Basil the Great, Procopius of Gaza
Ambrosiana C 30 inf. 12th Florilegium, Saints lives, Theology
Ambrosiana C 92 sup. 14th Saints lives, Theology John Chrysostom
Ambrosiana D 42 sup. 13th, 14th Theology, Rhetoric Basil the Great, Aristides
Ambrosiana D 473 inf. 15th, 16th Theology, Philosophy, Rhetoric, Liturgy, Synaxarion Michael of Ephesus, Dionysius Halicarnasseus
Ambrosiana D 90 sup. 12th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
Ambrosiana E 16 sup. 11th Astronomy, Theology, Animals Epiphanius
Ambrosiana E 49 inf. 9th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
Ambrosiana E 50 inf. 9th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
Ambrosiana E 76 sup. 14th, 15th Harmonics, Theology Barlaam of Calabria, Ptolemy
Ambrosiana E 9 sup. 14th Canon law, Theology, History Gregory of Cyprus, Flavius Josephus, Theodore Balsamon, John Zonaras
Ambrosiana F 106 sup. 11th, 13th, 14th Palimpsest, Theology, Saints lives Leo VI the Wise
Ambrosiana F 12 sup. 10th Theology
Ambrosiana F 122 sup. 14th Theology
Ambrosiana F 66 sup. 15th Theology, Church councils, Canon law
Ambrosiana F 74 sup. 14th Theology Euripides, Antiochus Monachus
Ambrosiana F 93 sup. 13th, 16th History, Theology Flavius Josephus, Nicolaus Mesarites
Ambrosiana F 96 sup. 13th History, Theology Nicolaus Mesarites
Ambrosiana F 99 sup. 11th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom
Ambrosiana I 9 sup. 12th Theology Anastasius Sinaita
Ambrosiana I 91 inf. 16th Theology, Florilegium Gregory Thaumaturgus, Andrew of Crete
Ambrosiana M 47 sup. 10th Psalter, Theology Athanasius, Basil the Great, Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
Ambrosiana P 261 sup. 14th, 15th Theology
Ambrosiana P 72 sup. 16th Mathematics, Theology Barlaam of Calabria
Ambrosiana Q 121 sup. 16th Geography, Theology Plethon, Origen, Gennadios II Scholarios, Gregory of Nyssa
Arch. Cap. S. Pietro B 59 10th Bible, Theology
Arch. Cap. S. Pietro C 154 16th Theology Photius, Joseph Bryennios
BAR Ms. Gr. 1387 Theology John Climacus
BAR Ms. Gr. 1395 Theology
BAR Ms. Gr. 165 15th Theology Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa
BAR Ms. Gr. 186 16th Theology John Climacus
BAR Ms. Gr. 225 15th, 16th Theology, Poems
BAR Ms. Gr. 249 14th, 15th Theology John of Damascus
BAR Ms. Gr. 262 16th Theology John of Damascus, Cyril of Alexandria, John Chrysostom
BAR Ms. Gr. 318 15th, 16th Theology Eustratius, Nicholas of Methone, Nicetas Stethatus, Euthymius Zigabenus
BAR Ms. Gr. 390 14th, 15th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
BAR Ms. Gr. 392 14th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, Nicetas Heracleensis
BAR Ms. Gr. 394 14th, 15th, 17th Philosophy, Theology Maximus Planudes, Boethius, Thomas Aquinas, Plethon, Demetrius Cydones
BAR Ms. Gr. 500 14th, 15th Theology John Chrysostom
BAR Ms. Gr. 561 14th, 15th Bible, Theology Nicephorus Blemmydes
BAR Ms. Gr. 931 14th Theology
BAV Barb. gr. 117 16th, 17th Theology Gregory Palamas
