Universitätsbibliothek O II 17b |
16th |
Theology |
Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus |
Universitätsbibliothek O II 17d |
16th |
Philosophy |
Plato, Proclus |
Universitätsbibliothek O II 17e |
16th |
Athenaeus |
Universitätsbibliothek O III 6 |
16th |
Philosophy |
Aristotle |
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.A.3 |
16th |
Church councils |
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.C.13 |
16th |
Bible |
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.F.20 |
16th |
Cicero, Theodore of Gaza |
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.G.1 |
16th |
Liturgy |
Universiteitsbibliotheek 5.L.41 |
16th |
Index codicum |
Universiteitsbibliotheek 7.B.16 dl 2.3 |
16th, 17th |
Education |
Universiteitsbibliotheek 8.L.12 |
16th, 17th |
Education |
Universiteitsbibliotheek 8.L.17 |
16th |
Education |
University of Glasgow Library MS Hunter 170 |
16th |
Bible |
University of Michigan Library MS 100 |
16th |
Gospel lectionary |
University of Michigan Library MS 130 |
16th |
Gospel lectionary |
University of Michigan Library MS 39 |
16th |
Gospel lectionary |
University of Michigan Library MS 99 |
16th |
Gospel lectionary |
Vivliothēkē tēs Voulēs Ms. 45 |
16th |
Bible |
Walters Art Museum TL 2022.13.1 |
16th |
Saints lives, Romance, Illuminations |
Walters Art Museum W 354 |
15th, 16th |
History |
Thucydides |
Walters Art Museum W 535 |
16th |
Liturgy |
Walters Art Museum W 536 |
16th |
Liturgy |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 1105 |
16th |
Index codicum |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 208 |
16th |
Harmonics |
Ptolemy |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 236 |
16th |
Theology, Liturgy |
Augustine, John of Damascus, Athanasius |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 246 |
16th |
Bible |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 251 |
16th |
Saints lives |
John Chrysostom, Gregory Thaumaturgus, Andrew of Crete, Michael Psellus, Sophronius, John Zonaras |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 252 |
16th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John Chrysostom, John Mauropus, Gregory of Nyssa, John of Damascus |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 269 |
16th |
Animals |
Oppianus, John Tzetzes |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 272 |
16th |
Harmonics |
Nicomachus of Gerasa |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 276 |
15th, 16th |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 288 |
16th |
Theology |
Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 289 |
16th |
Hesiod, John Tzetzes |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 302 |
16th |
Euchologion |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 424 |
16th |
Optics, Astronomy |
Euclid, Theon, Theodore Metochites |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 490 |
16th |
Animals |
Oppianus, Thomas Magister |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 532 |
16th |
Literature |
Basil the Great |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 542 |
14th, 15th, 16th |
Philosophy |
Aristotle |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 606 |
15th, 16th |
Agriculture |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 713 |
16th |
Theology |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 767 |
16th |
Liturgy |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 795 |
16th |
Grammar |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 829 |
16th |
Philosophy |
Aristotle |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 858 |
16th |
Grammar |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 924 |
16th |
Astronomy |
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 969 |
16th |
Rhetoric |
Zentralbibliothek RP 15 |
16th |
Bible |