Metochites’s Poems and the Chora |
An analysis of Symeon the New Theologian's hymn LVI |
Commentary on Aristotle's Prior analytics |
Critique of Christian origins |
Divine eros |
History and hagiography from the late antique Sinai |
Jacob of Sarug's homilies on Elisha |
Jacob of Sarug's homilies on the Nativity |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on Jephthah's daughter |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the Ascension of Our Lord |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the Holy Sunday of the Pentecost |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on Zacchaeus the tax collector |
John Skylitzes |
Letters from the East |
New Testament book epigrams |
Oration XIII |
Pappus of Alexandria |
Paraphrasis institutionum |
Philoponus against Proclus On the eternity of the world, 9-11 |
St. Maximus the Confessor's Questions and doubts |
The commentaries on the minor epistles of Paul |
The De Oeconomia Dei |
The secret history |
The Taktika of Leo VI |
Two praises of the Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos |
Vita Sancti Marcani Oeconomi |
Il De urinis di Teofilo Protospatario |
A dialogue with a certain Persian |
All Saints and the Holy Apostles |
Ambigua to Thomas, Second letter to Thomas |
Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy |
Chalcedon in context |
Commentary of Theodore of Mopsuestia on the Lord’s prayer and on the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist |
Commentary of Theodore of Mopsuestia on the Nicene Creed |
Counsels on the spiritual life Mark the Monk |
De administrando imperio |
Festal letters 1-12 |
George Skylitzes' dedicatory verses for the Sacred Arsenal by Andronikos Kamateros and the Codex Marcianus Graecus 524 |
Il De urinis di Teofilo Protospatario |
Ioannis Antiocheni fragmenta quae supersunt omnia |
Jacob of Sarug's homilies on Elijah |
Jacob of Sarug's homilies on the six days of creation. The first day |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on Simon Peter, when our Lord said, "Get behind me, Satan" |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the partaking of the Holy Mysteries |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the Tower of Babel |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the veil on Moses' face |
Medieval Italy |
Michael the Grammarian's irony about 'hypsilon' |
On Aristotle On the heavens 3.1-7 |
On Aristotle On the heavens 3.7-4.6 |