The funerary speech for John Chrysostom |
The life of Patriarch Ignatius |
The life of Saint Symeon the new theologian |
The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III, De fide |
The ‘Alexandrian World Chronicle’ |
Themistius, Julian and Greek political theory under Rome |
Three unpublished texts on Christ’s unique will and operation from the Syriac florilegium in the ms. London, British Library, Add. 14535 |
Treasury |
Two early lives of Severos, Patriarch of Antioch |
Violence in Roman Egypt |
Romanos the Melodist |
A Byzantine philosopher's devoutness toward God |
Ammonius |
An Alexandrian world chronicle |
An anonymous dialogue with a Jew |
Anna Komnene’s will |
Apocalypse |
Four Byzantine novels |
Miracle tales from Byzantium |
On Constantinople and the Church of the Holy Apostles |
On powers, or the magistracies of the Roman state |
The Book of Alexander the Great |
The book of ceremonies |
The Cambridge leaves of the Life of Moses of Abydos |
The Great Calculation According to the Indians |
The history |
The Hypotyposis of the monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis, Constantinople (11th-12th centuries) |
The life of the Virgin |
The martyrdom of Athanasius of Klysma, a Saint from the Egyptian desert |
The Moral Pieces of Theodore II Laskaris |
The survey of Istanbul 1455 |
The testament of the Patriarch Athanasios I of Constantinople (1289–93, 1303–09) |
Theophrastus |
A poem on the refortification of Dorylaion in 1175 |
A rhetorical declamation of Sophonias the monk and paraphrast |
Chronographiae quae Theophanis continuati nomine fertur liber quo Vita Basilii Imperatoris amplectitur |
Geoponika |
George Amiroutzes : the philosopher and his tractates |
Inedita from the MS. Hauniensis 1899 |
Kassia the nun in context |
Metochites’s Poems and the Chora |
Questions and answers |
The Anonymous of Sola and the school of Nosiai |
The book of the secrets of the faithful of the cross |
The case against Diodore and Theodore |
The Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor |
The Greek Life of St. Leo Bishop of Catania (BHG 981b) |
The Greek life of St. Leo Bishop of Catania (BHG 981b) |
The metre in the poems of Christopher Mitylenaois |
Theophilus of Edessa's Chronicle and the circulation of historical knowledge in late antiquity and early Islam |