Pharmaceutical diplomacy |
Psellos and the patriarchs |
Spiritual guidance in ninth-century Byzantium |
The lost history of Peter the Patrician |
The Old French Chronicle of Morea |
Two hundred chapters on theology |
Writings on iconoclasm |
‘The incineration of New Babylon’ |
Achilles at the battle of Ostrovo |
An English translation and commentary on Origo Constantini imperatoris |
Ancoratus |
Constans II, Ravenna’s Autocephaly and the Panel of the Privileges in St. Apollinare in Classe |
Contra Eunomium III |
Emperor Manuel II and Patriarch Euthymios II on the jurisdiction of the Church of Ohrid |
Guide for a church under Islām |
Memoirs of Sylvester Syropoulos, Section IV |
Michael Psellos on Symeon the Metaphrast and on the Miracle at Blachernae |
Mnogosložnyj Svitok |
On prophecy, dreams and human imagination |
On the difficulties in the Church Fathers |
Resorting to Rare Sources of Antiquity |
The Acts of the Lateran Synod of 649 |
The earliest non-mystical Jewish use of Iao |
The fragmentary history of Priscus |
The Histories |
The life of St. Basil the Younger |
The Syriac Chronicle of Michael Rabo (the Great) |
The wars of Justinian |
Three Christological treatises |
Mnogosložnyj Svitok |
"How, why and when the Italians were separated from the Orthodox Christians” |
A review of Logos 38 of Nikon of the Black Mountain |
Accounts of medieval Constantinople : the Patria |
Consilia et narrationes |
Empress Piroska-Eirene’s Collaborators in the Foundation of the Pantokrator Monastery : The Testimony of Nikolaos Kataphloron |
Encheiridion and spurious works |
Homilies on Paul's letter to the Philippians |
Homilies on Romans |
In Michaelem |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the sinful woman |
Light on the mountain |
Manuel Philes and the Asan family |
On celestial signs (De ostentis) |
On the months (De mensibus) |
Pseudo-Kodinos and the Constantinopolitan court |
Recruitment and conflict in sixth-century Antioch |
Secular orations 1167/8 to 1179 |
The Anonymous Sayings of the Desert Fathers |
The Discourses of Philoxenos of Mabbug |
The foundation of the Pantokrator monastery in its urban setting |