Eustathius, Letter concerning the Two Natures against Severus |
Gregory of Nazianzus's letter collection |
Gregory of Nazianzus, carm. 1.1.21 (PG 37, 491–492) |
Oratio II contra Arianos |
Syriac sayings of Greek philosophers |
The chronicle of Michael the Great |
The Chronicle of the Logothete |
The Encomium of the Apostle Philip by Michael the Monk (BHG 1530a) |
The epiclesis debate at the Council of Florence |
The order of the mystery |
The Pseudo-Romanos Kontakion on Symeon Stylites the Elder |
Two Armenian Hymns on Abraham and Sarah Attributed to Ephrem the Syrian |
‘I am a Grammatical Textbook’ (DBBE Type 5248) |
Basil of Caesarea |
Desire, dreams, and visions in the letters of emperor Konstantinos VII Porphyrogennetos and Theodoros of Kyzikos |
Ecclesiastical history |
Elias and David : introductions to philosophy |
John Italos on the eternity of the world |
Life of Alypius the Stylite |
Nicholas Kallikles’ epitaph for the sebastos Roger |
Sententious Notes : Semeioseis gnomikai 61-70 & 72-81 |
Six essays by Theodore II Laskaris in Vindobonensis Phil. Gr. 321 |
The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea (787) |
The Chronicle of Constantine Manasses |
The Life of Saint Neilos of Rossano |
The life of Saint Pankratios of Taormina |
The novels of Justinian |
The poems of Christopher of Mytilene and John Mauropous |
The Rise and Fall of Nikephoros II Phokas |
Theological encounters at a crossroads |
Translations and paraphrases of liturgical poetry in late Byzantine Thessalonica |
Two middle Byzantine treatises in defence of the care of the dead |
Two works on Trebizond |
Zonaras’s Treatise on Nocturnal Emissions |
A tenth-century Byzantine military manual |
Adrian’s introduction to the Divine Scriptures |
An early Ottoman history |
An unpublished funerary speech (CPG 2936) and the question of succession to St. Basil the Great |
Bulgarians by birth |
Christian novels from the Menologion of Symeon Metaphrastes |
Complete works |
Introduction to astronomy by Theodore Metochites |
John Tzetzes and the blemish examiners |
Matt'eos Urhayec'i and his chronicle |
Michael Psellos on literature and art |
Nicholas Mesarites : his life and works |
Not composed in a chance manner : the Epitaphios for Manuel I Komnenos |
On Aristotle’s departures from Plato 0–19 |
On the months |
Philo of Carpasia, ‘Ecclesiastical History’ (CPG 7512) |