Princeton Unversity Library

No name

Displaying 18351 - 18400 of 18823
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
U. Library Gr. 47 16th, 17th Mathematics, Geometry Theon
U. Library Gr. 48 16th Geometry
U. Library Gr. 49 Mathematics Pappus
U. Library Gr. 5 11th Theology, Letters John Chrysostom, Basil the Great, Isidore of Pelusium
U. Library Gr. 50 Geometry Euclid
U. Library Gr. 51 Mathematics Didymus, Hero of Alexandria
U. Library Gr. 52 16th Harmonics Michael Psellus, Manuel Bryennius, Porphyry
U. Library Gr. 53 Mathematics, Astronomy, Engineering
U. Library gr. 54 Philosophy, Astronomy Proclus, Barlaam of Calabria, Hero of Alexandria, John Pediasimus
U. Library Gr. 55 Mathematics Pappus
U. Library Gr. 56
U. Library Gr. 57
U. Library Gr. 58
U. Library Gr. 59 Julius Pollux
U. Library Gr. 6 14th, 15th History George Akropolites
U. Library Gr. 60 Julius Pollux
U. Library Gr. 61a Letters Libanius, Basil the Great
U. Library Gr. 61b Letters Libanius
U. Library Gr. 61c Letters Libanius
U. Library Gr. 62
U. Library Gr. 63
U. Library Gr. 64 Philosophy Damascius
U. Library gr. 65
U. Library Gr. 67 Gospel lectionary
U. Library Gr. 68 Gospel lectionary
U. Library Gr. 69 Gospel lectionary
U. Library Gr. 7 11th, 12th Euchologion
U. Library Gr. 70 Epigrammata, Poems
U. Library Gr. 71 Homer
U. Library Gr. 72 Homer
U. Library Gr. 73 Gospel lectionary
U. Library Gr. 74 Menaion
U. Library Gr. 75 Liturgy, Music
U. Library Gr. 8 15th, 16th Misc., Stephanites and Ichnelates Symeon Seth
U. Library Gr. 9 14th Bible, Illuminations
U. of Pennsylvania Library Ms. Roll 2062 11th Liturgy
UB gr. 1 4th Bible, Old Testament
UB gr. 11 15th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
UB gr. 13 14th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, John Climacus
UB gr. 15 12th Theology Theodore the Studite
UB gr. 16 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Theology, Philosophy, Astronomy, Constantinople Theophylact of Ochrid, Cleomedes, Aristotle
UB gr. 17 14th Theology Philagathus of Cerami
UB gr. 2 7th, 10th Bible, Old Testament, Palimpsest
UB gr. 20 16th Hymns
UB gr. 21 11th Typikon
UB gr. 23 14th Liturgy Basil the Great
UB gr. 24 15th Philosophy, Politics, Rhetoric, Economics Aristotle
UB gr. 25 16th Philosophy Porphyry
UB gr. 26 15th Rhetoric Hermogenes, Aphthonius
UB gr. 3 8th Gospel lectionary
