U. Library Gr. 47 |
16th, 17th |
Mathematics, Geometry |
Theon |
U. Library Gr. 48 |
16th |
Geometry |
U. Library Gr. 49 |
Mathematics |
Pappus |
U. Library Gr. 5 |
11th |
Theology, Letters |
John Chrysostom, Basil the Great, Isidore of Pelusium |
U. Library Gr. 50 |
Geometry |
Euclid |
U. Library Gr. 51 |
Mathematics |
Didymus, Hero of Alexandria |
U. Library Gr. 52 |
16th |
Harmonics |
Michael Psellus, Manuel Bryennius, Porphyry |
U. Library Gr. 53 |
Mathematics, Astronomy, Engineering |
U. Library gr. 54 |
Philosophy, Astronomy |
Proclus, Barlaam of Calabria, Hero of Alexandria, John Pediasimus |
U. Library Gr. 55 |
Mathematics |
Pappus |
U. Library Gr. 56 |
U. Library Gr. 57 |
U. Library Gr. 58 |
U. Library Gr. 59 |
Julius Pollux |
U. Library Gr. 6 |
14th, 15th |
History |
George Akropolites |
U. Library Gr. 60 |
Julius Pollux |
U. Library Gr. 61a |
Letters |
Libanius, Basil the Great |
U. Library Gr. 61b |
Letters |
Libanius |
U. Library Gr. 61c |
Letters |
Libanius |
U. Library Gr. 62 |
U. Library Gr. 63 |
U. Library Gr. 64 |
Philosophy |
Damascius |
U. Library gr. 65 |
U. Library Gr. 67 |
Gospel lectionary |
U. Library Gr. 68 |
Gospel lectionary |
U. Library Gr. 69 |
Gospel lectionary |
U. Library Gr. 7 |
11th, 12th |
Euchologion |
U. Library Gr. 70 |
Epigrammata, Poems |
U. Library Gr. 71 |
Homer |
U. Library Gr. 72 |
Homer |
U. Library Gr. 73 |
Gospel lectionary |
U. Library Gr. 74 |
Menaion |
U. Library Gr. 75 |
Liturgy, Music |
U. Library Gr. 8 |
15th, 16th |
Misc., Stephanites and Ichnelates |
Symeon Seth |
U. Library Gr. 9 |
14th |
Bible, Illuminations |
U. of Pennsylvania Library Ms. Roll 2062 |
11th |
Liturgy |
UB gr. 1 |
4th |
Bible, Old Testament |
UB gr. 11 |
15th |
Theology |
Gregory Nazianzus |
UB gr. 13 |
14th |
Theology |
Gregory Nazianzus, John Climacus |
UB gr. 15 |
12th |
Theology |
Theodore the Studite |
UB gr. 16 |
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th |
Theology, Philosophy, Astronomy, Constantinople |
Theophylact of Ochrid, Cleomedes, Aristotle |
UB gr. 17 |
14th |
Theology |
Philagathus of Cerami |
UB gr. 2 |
7th, 10th |
Bible, Old Testament, Palimpsest |
UB gr. 20 |
16th |
Hymns |
UB gr. 21 |
11th |
Typikon |
UB gr. 23 |
14th |
Liturgy |
Basil the Great |
UB gr. 24 |
15th |
Philosophy, Politics, Rhetoric, Economics |
Aristotle |
UB gr. 25 |
16th |
Philosophy |
Porphyry |
UB gr. 26 |
15th |
Rhetoric |
Hermogenes, Aphthonius |
UB gr. 3 |
8th |
Gospel lectionary |