Princeton Unversity Library

Theodore Metochites

Displaying 1 - 32 of 32
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Ambrosiana R 119 sup. 16th Philosophy, Science Theodore Metochites, Aristotle, Homer
BAV Barb. gr. 54 16th Philosophy, History Theodore Metochites
BAV Barb. gr. 55 16th Philosophy, History Theodore Metochites
BAV Ott. gr. 278 16th, 17th Philosophy Aristotle, Theodore Metochites
BAV Reg. gr. 118 16th Philosophy Aristotle, Theodore Metochites
BAV Vat. gr. 1087 14th Astronomy Theodore Metochites, Nicholas Chamaetos Kabasilas
BAV Vat. gr. 1297 14th Philosophy, Rhetoric Plato, Aristides, Theodore Metochites
BAV Vat. gr. 181 14th Astronomy Theodore Metochites
BAV Vat. gr. 182 14th Astronomy Theodore Metochites
BAV Vat. gr. 213 14th Astronomy Proclus, Theodore Metochites
BAV Vat. gr. 303 pt. 1 14th Philosophy Theodore Metochites, Aristotle
BAV Vat. gr. 303 pt. 2 14th Philosophy Theodore Metochites, Aristotle
BAV Vat. gr. 303 pt. 3 14th Philosophy Aristotle, Theodore Metochites
Biblioteca Universitaria 2718 16th Philosophy, History Theodore Metochites
BML Plut. 85.4 15th Philosophy Theodore Metochites, Aristotle
BN Coislin 165 16th Philosophy, History Theodore Metochites
BN Grec 1776 15th Theodore Metochites
BN Grec 1866 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Theodore Metochites
BN Grec 1933 16th Philosophy Theodore Metochites, Aristotle
BN Grec 1934 16th Philosophy Theodore Metochites, Aristotle
BN Grec 1935 14th Philosophy Theodore Metochites, Aristotle
BN Grec 1936 16th Philosophy Theodore Metochites, Aristotle
BN Grec 2003 15th Theodore Metochites
BN Grec 2751 16th Poems, Theology Theodore Metochites, Barlaam of Calabria, John Chrysostom
British Library Add MS 8222 16th Philosophy Theodore Metochites
BS Cod. graec. 197 16th Philosophy, History Theodore Metochites
BS Cod. graec. 402 16th Philosophy, History Theodore Metochites
BS Cod. graec. 73 16th Science, Philosophy Theodore Metochites, Aristotle
BS Cod. graec. 74 16th Philosophy Theodore Metochites, Aristotle
Marciana gr. Z. 239 14th Philosophy Theodore Metochites
U. of Pennsylvania Library Ms. Codex 137 16th Rhetoric, Letters Nicephorus Gregoras, Theodore Metochites
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 424 16th Optics, Astronomy Euclid, Theon, Theodore Metochites