Princeton Unversity Library

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Displaying 18451 - 18500 of 18822
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
UB Pal. gr. 18 14th Rhetoric Hesiod, Aeschylus, John Tzetzes, Euripides, Cleomedes, Lycophron
UB Pal. gr. 222 14th, 15th Homer
UB Pal. gr. 23 11th Epigrammata
UB Pal. gr. 252 12th History Thucydides
UB Pal. gr. 264 16th, 17th Theology Cyril of Alexandria
UB Pal. gr. 272 16th Lycophron, John Tzetzes
UB Pal. gr. 281 11th Philosophy, Mathematics, Geometry, Astronomy Theodorus Abucara
UB Pal. gr. 283 12th Plutarch
UB Pal. gr. 292 15th, 16th Grammar Gregory Pardus
UB Pal. gr. 299 15th History Nicephorus Gregoras
UB Pal. gr. 341 16th Rhetoric, Epigrammata Philostratus, Theocritus
UB Pal. gr. 353 16th Pindar
UB Pal. gr. 356 14th Rhetoric, Letters, Theology, Misc. Michael Psellus
UB Pal. gr. 375 12th Lexicon, Medicine Julius Pollux, Oribasius
UB Pal. gr. 393 16th Military Hero of Alexandria
UB Pal. gr. 398 10th Geography, Medicine, Letters Arrian, Strabo, Hippocrates
UB Pal. gr. 40 14th Sophocles, Pindar, Homer, John Tzetzes
UB Pal. gr. 415 15th Harmonics, Military
UB Pal. gr. 43 15th Rhetoric, Poems Theodore Prodromos
UB Pal. gr. 45 14th Homer
UB Pal. gr. 47 16th Athenaeus
UB Pal. gr. 85 14th Nonnus
UB Pal. gr. 88 13th Rhetoric Lysias
UB Rep. I 17 10th History, Constantinople, Military Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus
UB Rep. I 2 15th Harmonics Euclid, Nicomachus of Gerasa, Manuel Bryennius
UB Rep. I 3 15th Pneumatica Hero of Alexandria
UB Rep. I 43 14th Aeschylus
UB Rep. I 44a 14th Sophocles
UB Rep. I 63 12th Liturgy, Gospel lectionary
UB Rep. I 66 14th Law
UB Rep. I 68a 15th Philosophy Aristotle, John Philoponus
UB Rep. I 68b 14th Harmonics Nicomachus of Gerasa
UB Rep. I 82 15th, 16th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, John Tzetzes, Lycophron
UB Rep. II 28 12th, 13th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
UB Rep. II 31 15th History Eusebius of Caesarea
ÚK SAV Mss. 394kt 12th Bible, Illuminations
Union Theo. Sem. Burke Library MS 69 14th Bible
Universitätsbibliothek A III 10 16th Church councils
Universitätsbibliothek A V 22 16th Theology Nicephorus Blemmydes
Universitätsbibliothek A VII 3 9th Psalter, Bible
Universitätsbibliothek AN I 8 13th Theology Elias of Crete, Gregory Nazianzus
Universitätsbibliothek AN II 44 16th Engineering, Military Athenaeus, Hero of Alexandria, Leo VI the Wise
Universitätsbibliothek AN III 12 9th Bible
Universitätsbibliothek AN III 12 9th Bible
Universitätsbibliothek AN IV 2 12th Bible
Universitätsbibliothek E III 18 16th History John Skylitzes, George Cedrenus
Universitätsbibliothek F I 8 16th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
Universitätsbibliothek F II 43 16th History Flavius Josephus
Universitätsbibliothek F III 40 16th Agriculture Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus
Universitätsbibliothek F IV 39 16th Rhetoric, Philosophy Julian Emperor of Rome
