Speaking with God from the depths of the heart |
The Armenian adaptation of the Ecclesiastical history of Socrates Scholasticus |
Los cinco tratados sobre la quietud (šelyā) de Dād̲īšōʻ Qaṭrāyā |
Zwei Briefe suchen ihren Empfänger |
Epistolai |
Erga katastraphenta hypo tōn Latinōn |
Timariōn, ē, Peri tōn kat'auton pathēmatōn eisagōgē, metaphrasē, scholia Petros Vlachakos |
Tymvōrychoi kai skyleutes nekrōn |
Ioannes Kinnamos'un Historia'si (1118-1176) |
Het verhaal van Alexios |
Discurs catequètic |
L' Unionum definitiones (CPG 7697, 18) attribué à Maxime le Confesseur |
L’organisation et le déroulement des courses d’après le Livre de Cérémonies |
Cinque poeti bizantini |
Epitafio per Giuliano (Orazione XVIII) |
Historia imperatorum |
Historia tēs Rōmanias |
La verginità |
Antioch as a centre of Hellenic culture as observed by Libanius |
Athanasius of Alexandria, life of St. Anthony of Egypt |
Basil I and the Jews |
Byzantine monastic foundation documents |
Cyril of Alexandria translated by Norman Russell |
Cyril of Jerusalem |
Life |
Neoplatonic saints |
On Aristotle Categories 9-15 |
On Aristotle On the soul 3.1-5 |
On Aristotle On the soul 3.9-13, attributed to 'Philoponus' |
Philoponus' on Aristotle On the soul 3.1-8 |
Selected charters of Serbian rulers (XII-XV century) relating to the territory of Kosovo and Metohia edited and translated by T. Živković, S. Bojanin, V |
The capture of Thessaloniki |
The chronicle of pseudo-Joshua the Stylite |
The land legislation of the Macedonian emperors |
The life of Lazaros of Mt. Galesion |
The ophthalmology of Aëtius of Amida |
The private orations of Themistius |
The Synaxarion of the monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis |
Theodore Metochites's poems "to himself" |
Theodore psalter |
Theodoret of Cyrus |
Theory and practice in tenth-century military administration |
Vita |
Consejos de un aristócrata bizantino |
El fuego de lo Alto |
Historia de las guerras, libros III-IV |
Historia de las guerras, libros I–II |
Historia Secreta |
La Virginidad |
Ein griechischer Brief eines veroneser Humanisten anlässlich Bessarions Schift 'In calumniatorem Platonis' |