An anti-Latin essay of Psellos revisited |
Critical Remarks on Homer's Iliad : Introduction |
De anima |
Life |
Maximus the Confessor and his companions |
On Aristotle Categories 7-8 |
On Aristotle On the heavens 1.1-4 |
On Aristotle Physics 3 |
On Epictetus Handbook 1-26 |
On Epictetus Handbook 27-53 |
On God and Christ |
Opening scenes of the second iconoclasm |
Preparation for the Gospel |
Pseudo-Athanasius on virginity |
Six books on the priesthood |
The chronography of George Synkellos |
The life of St Philaretos the merciful written by his grandson Niketas |
The Petra papyri |
The sayings and stories of the Christian fathers of Egypt |
The two cities |
Theodore Metochites on ancient authors and philosophy |
Unpublished Byzantine texts on the end of the world about the year 1000 AD |
[Excerpts on astrology] |
Historia |
Chiliostichos theologia |
Die ikonoklastische Synode von Hiereia 754 |
Eine byzantinische Invektive gegen die Verfasser von Grabreden Anōnymou monōdia eis monōdountas |
Kaiserreden Libanios |
Peri tou Pythagoreiou biou = Pythagoras |
Psalmenhomilien |
Ēthikos ē Peri paideias |
O boevom soprovozhdemnii ; Ob ustroĭstve lageri︠a︡ |
Sochinenii︠a︡ |
Alexiasz |
Basilii Minimi in Gregorii Nazianzeni orationem xxxviii commentarii |
Commentaire sur le Manuel d'Epictète |
Commentaires sur les Catégories d'Aristote, Chapitres 2-4 |
Gregorii presbyteri vita sancti Gregorii theologi |
Hymnes sur la nativité Ephrem de Nisibe |
Idéologie politique, production littéraire et patronage au Xe siècle |
Lettres à une princesse et discours monastiques |
Moines et monasteries géorgiens du 9e siècle |
Oeuvres spirituelles |
Une version byzantine du traité sur l'astrolabe du pseudo-Messahalla par Anne Tihon, Régine Leurquin et Claudy Scheuren |
Iohannidos |
Le due Rome |
Oracoli caldaici |
Orazione dogmatica sull'unione dei greci e dei latini |
Un filologo di Bisanzio e il suo committente |
Vita di Alessandro il Macedone a cura di Carlo Franco |