Eis tēn halōsin tēs Thessalonikēs |
Historia |
Theophanous Nikaias Apodeixis hoti edynato ex aïdiou gegenēsthai ta onta kai anatropē tautēs |
Vivliothēkē |
Centúries sobre l’amor |
Homilies catequètiques |
Le panégyrique de Constantin VII Porphyrogénète pour la translation des reliques de Grégoire le Théologien (BHG 728) |
Paraphrase de la métaphysique d'Aristote (livre lambda) |
Quelques poèmes en l'honneur de s. Grégoire de Nazianze |
Traités |
Alle origini dell'Athos |
Giovanni Filopono, matematico |
La conquista della Sardegna nelle cronache catalane Ramon Muntaner, Pietro IV d'Aragona |
La satira bizantina dei secoli XI-XV |
Sulla regalità |
Tzetzes lettore di Tucidide |
Essays and fragments of Proclus, the Platonic successor translated by Thomas Taylor |
Life of Constantine |
Life of Stephen of Mar Sabas |
On Aristotle On coming-to-be and perishing 1.1-5 |
On Aristotle On coming-to-be and perishing 1.6-2.4 |
On the mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians |
Philoponus on Aristotle's On coming-to-be and perishing 1.1-5 |
Poems from the Greek anthology translated, with a foreword, by Kenneth Rexroth |
The Armenian history attributed to Sebeos |
The Chronicle of Zuqnīn, parts III and IV : A.D. 488-775 |
The philosophical history Damascius |
The Sāsānids, the Byzantines, the Lakhmids, and Yemen |
The Syriac versions of the De Spiritu Sancto by Basil of Caesarea |
Historias bizantinas de locura y santidad |
La reconciliación |
Lecturas del «Cratilo» de Platón |
Eis ta hagia nēpia |
T︠S︡erkovnai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ |
Den heliga Makrinas liv |
Manuel d'astronomie Georges Gémiste Pléthon |
Sermons sur la Genèse Jean Chrysostome |
Sur les pensées |
Carmi Giorgio di Pisidia |
Esamerone |
Omelie di Basilio di Cesarea |
Opere contro i latini |
Raccomandazioni e consigli di un galantuomo |
Tārīkh al-Anṭākī |
Una lettera del patriarca Arsenios Autorianos a papa Alessandro IV sull'unione della chiese |
ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΑ di Andronico Paleologo |
Anaphora of St. Basil The Coptic Orthodox liturgy of St. Basil |
Christian dualist heresies in the Byzantine world, c. 650-c. 1450 |
Commentary on Plato's Gorgias |
Digenis Akritis |