The 60 martyrs of Gaza and the martyrdom of Bishop Sophronius of Jerusalem |
The life of Evagrius |
The life of Macarius of Alexandria |
The life of Macarius of Egypt |
The life of Pambo |
The liturgical typikon of Symeon of Sinai |
The modesty topos and John of Damascus as a not-so-modest author |
The tale of Daniel's sister |
Twenty-five questions to corner the Jews |
Two catecheses on the office of monastic tonsure |
Die Erzählung von Alexander und Semiramis |
Chronikē syngraphē |
Logoi Christianōn kata ethnikōn Athanasios Alexandreias, Athēnagoras, Tatianos |
Bibliothèque |
Correspondance |
Correspondance |
Histoire nouvelle |
Les mystères d'Egypte Jamblique |
Protreptique Jamblique |
Sur le premier Alcibiade de Platon Proclus |
Théologie platonicienne Proclus |
Trois études sur la providence Proclus |
Atto e luce divina |
La mia fortunosa navigazione da Alessandria a Cirene |
Logos enkōmiastikos eis ton en agiois patera hēmōn Grēgorion archiepiskopon Thessalonikēs ton Palaman |
Vita di S. Stefano minore |
A Byzantine instructional manual on siege defense |
A byzantine traveller to one of the crusader states |
A collection of mathematical problems in Cod. Ups. Gr.8 |
A homily in praise of Saint Procopius |
A homily in praise of Stephen the first martyr |
A homily on Julian the martyr |
A homily on Phocas |
A homily on Stephen the first martyr |
A homily on the forty martyrs of Sebaste |
A homily on the holy martyrs |
A homily on the martyr Babylas |
A homily on the martyr Gordius |
A homily on Theodore the recruit |
A homliy on Pelagia, virgin and martyr |
A letter to the disciples of Antony, by Serapion of Thmuis |
Alexander the Monk's text of Helena's Discovery of the cross |
An encomium on Saint Antony, by John of Shmūn |
An entertaining tale of quadrupeds |
Cosmological confectionary and equal opportunity in the eleventh century |
De mysteriis |
Description in Prose |
Ecphrasis on the holy martyr Euphemia |
Elias of Heliopolis |
Elias the Monk |