Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1501 - 1550 of 1569
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Staatsbibliothek Hamilton 512 13th, 14th Philosophy George Pachymeres, Aristotle
Staatsbibliothek Hdschr. 104 16th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
SuUB c 44 12th, 13th Theology, Philosophy John of Damascus
SuUB c 8 13th, 14th Philosophy Nicephorus Blemmydes
Trinity College MS 231 12th, 15th, 17th Misc., Philosophy, Saints lives Aristotle
Trinity College MS 373 Stephanites and Ichnelates, Philosophy, Theology, Astronomy Ptolemy, Nicephorus Blemmydes, Symeon Seth, Origen, Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus, Basil the Great, Gennadios II Scholarios
U of Cambridge Gonville & Caius 495 16th Philosophy Aristotle, Syrianus
U of Cambridge Gonville & Caius 500 15th, 16th Philosophy Aristotle, Simplicius
U of Cambridge Trinity College B.9.9 16th Philosophy Hermes, Plotinus
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.1.23 15th, 16th Philosophy Michael Apostolius
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.1.32 16th Philosophy, Astronomy Michael Psellus
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.10.10 17th Philosophy Proclus, Plato
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.3.48 12th, 13th, 17th Letters, Theology, Philosophy Maximus the Confessor, John of Damascus
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.4.23 17th Philosophy Damascius
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.4.6 18th Philosophy Olympiodorus, Plato
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.5.10 17th Philosophy Proclus, Plato
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.5.11 17th Philosophy Proclus, Plato
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.5.35 17th Philosophy Damascius
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.7.39 17th Astronomy, Philosophy, Engineering
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.8.7 16th Philosophy, Rhetoric Julian Emperor of Rome
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.9.4 17th Philosophy Aristotle, Syrianus
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.16.5 16th Philosophy George Pachymeres, Aristotle
U of Cambridge UL Add. 1732 14th Philosophy, Science, Animals Aristotle
U of Cambridge UL Add. 1880.8 16th Philosophy Boethius
U of Cambridge UL Dd. IV. 16 15th, 16th Philosophy, Misc. Plato, Aristotle, Xenophon, Plethon
U of Cambridge UL Ff. III. 30 16th Medicine, Philosophy Galen, Symeon Seth, Alexander Aphrodisias
U of Cambridge UL Gg. VI. 10 16th Philosophy, Oracula Michael Psellus
U of Cambridge UL Ii. V. 44 13th Philosophy Aristotle
U of Cambridge UL Ii. VI. 41 17th Misc., Philosophy, Literature Epictetus, Aesop
U of Cambridge UL Ii. VI. 41 17th Philosophy, Literature Epictetus, Aesop
U of Cambridge UL Kk. V. 27 16th Philosophy Plato, Olympiodorus
U of Cambridge UL Kk. V. 9 16th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, Aristotle, Theophylact Simocatta
U of Cambridge UL Kk. VI. 34 16th Philosophy Longinus
U of Cambridge UL Ll. V. 4 17th Philosophy, Architecture, Medicine, Mathematics Aristotle, Syrianus, Procopius, John Philoponus, Nicomachus of Gerasa, Hippocrates
U of Cambridge UL Mm. I. 17 15th Medicine, Philosophy Oribasius, Alexander Aphrodisias
U of Cambridge UL Nn. I. 24 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Porphyry
U. Library Gr. 18 14th Philosophy John Philoponus
U. Library Gr. 25 16th Philosophy Epictetus
U. Library Gr. 33 15th, 16th Philosophy Plato
U. Library Gr. 38 Philosophy
U. Library Gr. 39 Philosophy Aristotle, Theophilos Korydalleus
U. Library Gr. 39b Philosophy Theophilos Korydalleus
U. Library Gr. 46 16th Philosophy John Pediasimus, Aristotle
U. Library gr. 54 Philosophy, Astronomy Proclus, Barlaam of Calabria, Hero of Alexandria, John Pediasimus
U. Library Gr. 64 Philosophy Damascius
UB gr. 16 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Theology, Philosophy, Astronomy, Constantinople Theophylact of Ochrid, Cleomedes, Aristotle
UB gr. 24 15th Philosophy, Politics, Rhetoric, Economics Aristotle
UB gr. 25 16th Philosophy Porphyry
UB gr. 80 19th Philosophy
UB Mb 14 11th Philosophy Plato
