Princeton Unversity Library

Index codicum

Displaying 1 - 50 of 58
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Ambrosiana S 171 inf., inserto A 16th Index codicum
BAV Barb. gr. 202 17th Index codicum
BAV Reg. gr. Pio II 52 16th Index codicum
BAV Urb. gr. 165 17th Index codicum
BAV Vat. gr. 2340 pt. B 16th Index codicum
BAV Vat. gr. 2667 Index codicum
BAV Vat. gr. 2671 Index codicum
Biblioteca Universitaria 41 18th Index codicum
BN Coislin 356 16th Index codicum
BN Coislin 357 17th Index codicum
BN Grec 3061 15th, 16th Letters, Proverbs, Index codicum Michael Apostolius
BN Grec 3062 16th Index codicum
BN Grec 3063 16th Index codicum
BN Grec 3064 15th, 16th Index codicum
BN Grec 3065 16th Index codicum
BN Grec 3066 16th Index codicum
BN Grec 3067 16th Index codicum
BN Grec 3068 16th Index codicum
BN Grec 3073 16th Index codicum
BN Grec 3074 16th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 10 16th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 1075 17th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 1248 9th, 11th, 15th, 18th, 19th Misc., Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 1287 19th Index codicum, Poems
BN Supplément grec 418 18th Theology, Index codicum Basil the Great
BN Supplément grec 667 19th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 728 19th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 754 18th, 19th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 755 19th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 798 17th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 798 17th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 799 17th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 809 19th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 810 19th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 811 19th Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 831-832 17th, 18th Letters, Theology, Index codicum John Chrysostom, Gregory Nazianzus
BN Supplément grec 870 18th Theology, Index codicum
BN Supplément grec 929-966 18th History, Lexicon, Index codicum
BNE 4655 18th Index codicum
BNE 4656 18th Index codicum
BNE 4657 18th Index codicum
Bodleian Library Barocci 243 Index codicum
Bodleian Library Barocci 244 Index codicum
BR VGF 67 16th, 17th Theology, Index codicum Gregory of Nyssa, Michael Psellus
British Library Add MS 22039 17th Index codicum
British Library Add MS 4421 17th Index codicum
BS Cod. graec. 138 16th Index codicum, Theology John of Damascus
Burgerbibliothek Cod. 360 16th Index codicum
ÖNB Hist. gr. 98 16th Index codicum, Architecture
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 505 19th Index codicum
