Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 2301 - 2350 of 3647
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
British Library Harley MS 5632 16th History Manuel Malaxos
British Library Harley MS 5638 16th Rhetoric Plutarch, Philostratus
British Library Harley MS 5639 14th, 15th, 16th Theology
British Library Harley MS 5643 16th, 17th Theology
British Library Harley MS 5645 16th Philosophy Themistius
British Library Harley MS 5646 16th Theology
British Library Harley MS 5651 15th, 16th Medicine Galen
British Library Harley MS 5652 16th Medicine Galen
British Library Harley MS 5663 16th Misc.
British Library Harley MS 5664 15th, 16th Aristophanes
British Library Harley MS 5666 16th Theology
British Library Harley MS 5667 16th Philosophy Olympiodorus
British Library Harley MS 5668 16th Philosophy Olympiodorus
British Library Harley MS 5671 16th Philosophy Proclus
British Library Harley MS 5675 16th Canon law Theodore Balsamon
British Library Harley MS 5690 16th Philosophy Aristotle
British Library Harley MS 5691 15th, 16th Rhetoric Manuel Bryennius
British Library Harley MS 5696 16th Philosophy Proclus
British Library Harley MS 5723 16th Psalter, Bible
British Library Harley MS 5725 15th, 16th Aristophanes, Euripides
British Library Harley MS 5726 16th Agriculture
British Library Harley MS 5727 15th, 16th Homer
British Library Harley MS 5728 15th, 16th Rhetoric Demosthenes
British Library Harley MS 5730 16th Grammar
British Library Harley MS 5731 16th Bible
British Library Harley MS 5732 16th Mythology
British Library Harley MS 5734 16th Theology
British Library Harley MS 5736 16th Bible
British Library Harley MS 5738 16th Psalter, Bible
British Library Harley MS 5739 16th Synesius
British Library Harley MS 5744 15th, 16th Aesop, Sophocles
British Library Harley MS 5795 16th Philosophy Iamblichus
British Library Harley MS 6297 16th Letters Michael Glykas
British Library Harley MS 6300 16th Euripides
British Library Harley MS 6301 16th Letters, Rhetoric Agapetus, Isocrates
British Library Harley MS 6305 15th, 16th Medicine Galen
British Library Harley MS 6310 16th Misc.
British Library Harley MS 6316 16th History
British Library Harley MS 6317 16th Military
British Library Harley MS 6318 16th Anthologion Stobaeus
British Library Harley MS 6319 16th Lycophron
British Library Harley MS 6326 16th Medicine Aretaeus
British Library Harley MS 6875 16th Grammar Constantine Lascaris
British Library Harley MS 7576 16th, 17th, 18th Misc.
British Library Royal MS 16 C IV part 1 16th, 17th John Tzetzes
British Library Royal MS 16 C IV part 2 16th John Tzetzes
British Library Royal MS 16 C IX 16th Theology Maximus the Confessor
British Library Royal MS 16 C X 16th Poems George Etheridge
British Library Royal MS 16 C XI 16th Medicine Galen
British Library Royal MS 16 C XII 16th Astronomy Nicephorus Gregoras, John Philoponus
