Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 3251 - 3300 of 3375
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.1.42 15th Aristophanes
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.15.36 15th, 16th Astronomy
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.16.35 15th, 16th Homer
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.3.31 14th, 15th, 16th Sophocles
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.9.15 15th Rhetoric, Grammar Theodore Prodromos
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.9.18-19 15th, 16th Rhetoric Maximus Planudes, Diogenes Laertius, Joseph Rhacendytes
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.9.20 15th, 16th Rhetoric Philostratus
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.9.22 15th Grammar Theodore of Gaza
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.9.9 15th, 16th Military Polyaenus
U of Cambridge UL Add. 1880.14 15th Poems, Grammar Michael Psellus
U of Cambridge UL Add. 1880.2 15th, 16th Hymns
U of Cambridge UL Add. 1880.6 15th, 16th Lexicon John Zonaras
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3849 15th Menaion
U of Cambridge UL Add. 4166.22 15th, 16th Liturgy
U of Cambridge UL Add. 4166.24 15th, 16th Index codicum
U of Cambridge UL Dd. III. 86.10-11 15th Theology Maximus the Confessor
U of Cambridge UL Dd. IV. 16 15th, 16th Philosophy, Misc. Plato, Aristotle, Xenophon, Plethon
U of Cambridge UL Dd. IV. 63 15th Lexicon Maximus Planudes
U of Cambridge UL Dd. VIII. 3 15th Lexicon
U of Cambridge UL Dd. X. 42 15th Theocritus
U of Cambridge UL Dd. X. 54 15th Theology John Climacus
U of Cambridge UL Dd. XI. 54 15th Rhetoric Lucian, Libanius, Nonnus
U of Cambridge UL Dd. XI. 70 15th, 16th Poems, Epigrammata, Theology
U of Cambridge UL Ee. VI. 35 15th John Tzetzes
U of Cambridge UL Ff. I. 26 15th Theology Euthymius Zigabenus
U of Cambridge UL Ff. IV. 2 15th Theology Procopius of Gaza
U of Cambridge UL Ff. IV. 2 15th Bible, Theology Procopius of Gaza
U of Cambridge UL Gg. I. 2 15th Grammar Manuel Moschopoulos
U of Cambridge UL Gg. II. 33 15th, 16th Astronomy, Geography, Optics Ptolemy, Proclus, Theon, Euclid
U of Cambridge UL Hh. VI. 12 15th, 16th Bible
U of Cambridge UL Hh. VI. 12 15th, 16th Bible
U of Cambridge UL Ii. IV. 16 15th Grammar Theodore of Gaza
U of Cambridge UL Ii. IV. 16 15th Grammar Theodore of Gaza
U of Cambridge UL Kk. V. 19 15th History Thucydides
U of Cambridge UL Kk. V. 25 15th Lexicon John Zonaras
U of Cambridge UL Kk. V. 28 15th Mathematics Nicomachus of Gerasa
U of Cambridge UL Kk. V. 35 15th Bible
U of Cambridge UL Kk. V. 37 15th, 16th History Constantine Manasses
U of Cambridge UL Kk. VI. 23 15th Letters Philostratus, Theophylact Simocatta, Libanius
U of Cambridge UL Ll. II. 13 15th Bible
U of Cambridge UL Ll. IV. 12 15th Poems, Letters, Rhetoric, Medicine, Theology Synesius, George of Pisidia, Gregory of Nyssa, Hippocrates
U of Cambridge UL Mm. I. 11 15th Euripides
U of Cambridge UL Mm. I. 17 15th Medicine, Philosophy Oribasius, Alexander Aphrodisias
U of Cambridge UL Nn. I. 24 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Porphyry
U of Cambridge UL Nn. II. 39 15th Rhetoric Plutarch
U of Cambridge UL Nn. III. 13 15th Euripides
U of Cambridge UL Nn. III. 14 15th Euripides
U of Cambridge UL Nn. III. 15 14th, 15th, 17th Aristophanes, Thomas Magister
U of Cambridge UL Nn. III. 16 15th Aristophanes, Thomas Magister, Hesiod
U of Cambridge UL Nn. III. 18 15th History Thucydides
