Des initiatives |
L'histoire turco-byzantine de Doukas |
La conversion de Gaza au christianisme. La Vie de S. Porphyre de Gaza par Marc le Diacre (BHG 1570) |
Le commentaire astronomique aux Tables Faciles de Ptolémée attribué à Stephanos d’Alexandrie |
Les noms divins, La Théologie mystique |
Reçu de blé pour les annones des bis electi et des numides |
Réfutation de la profession de foi d’Eunome |
Traduction d’un fragment de chiromancie grecque |
Un letter de Ioannes Tzetzes au Protosébaste Isaac frère de l'Empereur byzantin Jean II |
Biblioteca |
Elogio del cane |
Il Prooemium contra Barlaamum et Acindynum di Giovanni Cantacuzeno e le sue fonti |
Il “Trattato ascetico” di Cirillo Manasse (metà del XIV secolo) |
Le demegorie protrettiche di Constantino VII Porfirogenito |
L’ekphrasis di Giovanni Fokas dalla Siria alla Palestina |
Ufficiatura dell’inno Akathistos con canone di s. Giuseppe Innografo secondo la tradizione criptense |
A tale of two saints : the martyrdoms and miracles of Saints Theodore 'the recruit' and 'the general' |
A Byzantine monastic office, 1105 A.D. |
A short chronicle on the end of the Sasanian Empire and early Islam 590-660 A.D. |
A short chronicle on the end of the Sasanian Empire and early Islam, 590-660 A.D. |
Answers to King Khosroes of Persia |
Commentary on Homer’s Odyssey. Volume 1: On Rhapsodies A–B |
Dadishoʻ Qaṭraya's Compendious commentary on The paradise of the Egyptian fathers in Garshuni |
Hesychius of Jerusalem's 'Prologue to the Psalms' |
Holy men of Mount Athos |
Ioannis Canani de Constantinopolitana obsidione relatio |
Isaac the Syrian's spiritual works |
Jacob of Sarug's homilies on praise at table |
Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the six days of creation. The second day |
Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the six days of creation. Third Day |
Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on the solitaries |
Jacob of Sarug's Homilies on women whom Jesus met |
Jacob of Sarug's Homily on the chariot that Prophet Ezekiel saw |
Jacob of Sarug's Homily on the Lord's Prayer |
Letters to Saint Olympia |
On Plato : First Alcibiades 10-28 |
Poems |
The Codex of Justinian |
The ecclesiastical chronicle |
The presanctified liturgy of the apostle Mark in Sinai Arabic 237 |
The rhetorical exercises of Nikephoros Basilakes |
The triumph of 1133 |
The works of Cyrillona |
Theodore Metochites on the human condition and the decline of Rome |
Catequesis |
El saco de Tesalónica |
La Alexíada |
Poesía lúdico-satírica bizantina del siglo XI |
Por el emperador Heraclio y la guerra persa y cuando partió de la ciudad |
Teología Platónica |