Matt'eos Urhayec'i and his chronicle |
Michael Psellos on literature and art |
Nicholas Mesarites : his life and works |
Not composed in a chance manner : the Epitaphios for Manuel I Komnenos |
On Aristotle’s departures from Plato 0–19 |
On the months |
Philo of Carpasia, ‘Ecclesiastical History’ (CPG 7512) |
Remarks on the textual contribution of the Coptic Codices preserving the Canons of Saint Basil |
The Chronicle of Zuqnīn, parts I and II : from the Creation to the Year 506/7 AD |
The Coptic versions of De ascetica disciplina attributed to Basil of Caesarea (CPG 2890) |
The Dialogue Xenedemos, or Voices |
The laws of the Isaurian era |
The letters of Theodoros Hyrtakenos |
The martyrdom of Crescus (Crescens) of Myra |
The Rabbula Corpus |
The Universal History of Stepʻanos Tarōnecʻi |
‘Multi pertransibunt, et multiplex erit scientia.’ A new ‘Gerontikon’ narrative in MS Upsal. gr. 5. |
Amistad exiliada |
El tratado de Actionibus y sus apéndices |
Elementos de Teología |
Historia eclesiástica, 1 |
La didascalia de Jacob |
Menandro el Protector y la embajada de Zemarco de Cilicia |
Ein äthiopisches Fragment der dem Dionysius Areopagita zugeschriebenen Narratio de vita sua |
Syrische Fragmente des Kommentars Cyrills von Alexandrien zum 1. Korintherbrief |
Anthologion |
Stichoi diaphoroi |
Treis megaloi vyzantinoi poiētes : Iōannēs Geōmetrēs, Christophoros Mytilēnaios, Michaēl Maroullos Tarchaniōtēs |
Έκθεσις κεφαλαίων παραινετικών |
Κυνὸς ἐγκώμιον |
Οδοιπορικόν |
Două omilii la Înălțarea Domnului atribuite lui Proclu al Constantinopolului |
Laudatio Sancti Ioannis Chrysostomi (CPG 5819) |
Mistagogia |
Omilii la Duminica Floriilor (CPG 5808) și la Joia Mare (CPG 5809) ale arhiepiscopului Proclu al Constantinopolului |
Bizantyński epos dla średnio zaawansowanych |
Pogańscy mistrzowie chrześcijan |
Żywot św. Antoniego Wielkiego |
Дубровнишки документи за историята на България и българите през ХІІІ–ХV век. |
Законът за рудниците на Стефан Лазаревич |
Хайтон от Корикос и неговия трактат “Цвете на историите на Източната земя” (История на татарите) |
Alexandre le Grand et les Brahmanes |
Crime et châtiment chez les souris |
Des initiatives |
L'histoire turco-byzantine de Doukas |
La conversion de Gaza au christianisme. La Vie de S. Porphyre de Gaza par Marc le Diacre (BHG 1570) |
Le commentaire astronomique aux Tables Faciles de Ptolémée attribué à Stephanos d’Alexandrie |
Les noms divins, La Théologie mystique |
Reçu de blé pour les annones des bis electi et des numides |
Réfutation de la profession de foi d’Eunome |