Esej o ironii filozoficznej |
Jana Chryzostoma homilia trzecia z cyklu 21 homilii Do Antiocheńczyków o posągach |
Plethona Zapis praw |
Święta księżna kijowska Olga |
Timarion albo Timariona przypadki przez niego opowiedziane |
Żołnierz i poeta V wieku |
Żywot świętej Theoktiste z Lesbos |
Живописни ктиторски надписи от ХІІІ век от Мелник като исторически извори |
“Бях в три страни, които и трите се казват България” |
Costantinopoli “intorno al 1204” in alcune fonte letterarie |
Dialogue avec un moine contre les Latins (1442) |
Homélies sur l'impuissance du diable |
Les Zélotes : une révolte urbaine à Thessalonique au 14è siècle |
Réponse à Porphyre = (De mysteriis) |
Un recueil inédit de miracles de Cyr et Jean dans le Koutloumousiou 37 |
I canoni di Giovanni Rossanese in onore di san Bartolomeo di Grottaferrata |
I manoscritti e il testo di quattro Ἕτερα κεφάλαια |
Il “Canto di Armuris” |
Nuove testimonianze sulla polemica antigiudaica in due manoscritti della Cronaca di Giorgio Cedreno |
Per la storia dell’istruzione bizantina in Terra d’Otranto |
Per l’epistolario di Isidoro di Kiev |
Sant'Antonio abate : la sua vita |
Un canone di Basilio Pegane dal Theotokarion Mosquense del 1021/1022 |
Un poema in greco demotico sul Giudizio finale |
"How, why and when the Italians were separated from the Orthodox Christians” |
A review of Logos 38 of Nikon of the Black Mountain |
Accounts of medieval Constantinople : the Patria |
Consilia et narrationes |
Empress Piroska-Eirene’s Collaborators in the Foundation of the Pantokrator Monastery : The Testimony of Nikolaos Kataphloron |
Encheiridion and spurious works |
Homilies on Paul's letter to the Philippians |
Homilies on Romans |
In Michaelem |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the sinful woman |
Light on the mountain |
Manuel Philes and the Asan family |
On celestial signs (De ostentis) |
On the months (De mensibus) |
Pseudo-Kodinos and the Constantinopolitan court |
Recruitment and conflict in sixth-century Antioch |
Secular orations 1167/8 to 1179 |
The Anonymous Sayings of the Desert Fathers |
The Discourses of Philoxenos of Mabbug |
The foundation of the Pantokrator monastery in its urban setting |
The funerary speech for John Chrysostom |
The life of Patriarch Ignatius |
The life of Saint Symeon the new theologian |
The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III, De fide |
The ‘Alexandrian World Chronicle’ |
Themistius, Julian and Greek political theory under Rome |