La scala del paradiso di s. Giovanni Climaco |
Ta hapanta eis hex merē diairethenta |
The Roman history of Ammianus Marcellinus, during the reigns of the emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens |
Die kirchen-geschichte des Johanes von Ephesus |
The third part of the ecclesiastical history of John, Bishop of Ephesus |
Crónica catalana de Ramon Muntaner |
A commentary upon the Gospel according to S. Luke by S. Cyril |
Légendes slaves du moyen âge |
Ta hapanta eis hex merē diairethenta |
Histoire des guerres et des conquètes des Arabes en Arménie |
The ecclesiastical history of Sozomen |
A history of the church from A. D. 322 to the death of Theodore of Mopsuestia, A. D. 427, by Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus |
Beschreibung der H. Sophia und des Ambon |
Antirrētikos pros Galēnon |
The ecclesiastical history of Socrates, surnamed Scholasticus, or the Advocate |
Les homélies de l'évêque de Cyrène traduites pour la premiere fois du grec en français, et avec le texte grec corrigé publiées par Bernard Kolbe |
Alexander, Gedicht des zwölften Jahrhunderts, vom Pfaffen Lamprecht |
Selected works of S. Ephrem the Syrian, translated out of the original Syriac. With notes and indices. By the Rev. J. B. Morris |
A history of the church in six books, from A.D.431 to A.D.594 |
Michael Akominatos von Chonä, Erzbischof von Athen |
The life of the blessed Emperor Constantine, in four books, from 306 to 337 A.D. |
Chroniques étrangères relatives aux expéditions franc̜aises pendant le XIIIe siècle, publiées pour la première fois, élucidées et traduites, par J. A. C. Buchon |
The homilies of S. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on the First Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians |
The medical works of Paulus Aegineta, the Greek physician |
Select works of Plotinus, the great restorer of the philosophy of Plato |
Ambrosiana & 14 sup. |
16th |
Sticherarion |
Ambrosiana & 145 sup. |
16th |
Philosophy |
Plethon |
Ambrosiana A 102 sup. |
15th |
Grammar |
Manuel Chrysoloras, Manuel Moschopoulos |
Ambrosiana A 119 sup. |
14th |
Literature |
Ovid, Maximus Planudes |
Ambrosiana A 147 inf. |
5th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th |
Bible, Old Testament |
Ambrosiana A 152 sup. |
11th |
Theology |
John Climacus |
Ambrosiana A 157 sup. |
15th |
Xenophon |
Ambrosiana A 160 sup. |
15th |
Philosophy |
Aristotle, Ammonius, Porphyry |
Ambrosiana A 175 sup. |
14th |
Rhetoric |
Aristides |
Ambrosiana A 181 sup. |
10th, 14th |
Theology |
Homer, John Chrysostom |
Ambrosiana A 183 sup. |
14th |
Anthologion |
Stobaeus |
Ambrosiana A 45 sup. |
13th |
Astronomy, Medicine |
Ambrosiana A 78 inf. |
14th |
Xenophon |
Ambrosiana A 91 sup. |
15th |
Mathematics, Pneumatica |
Maximus Planudes, Diophantus, Hero of Alexandria |
Ambrosiana A 92 sup. |
15th, 16th |
Astronomy, Medicine, Hymns, Optics |
Cleomedes, Porphyry, Ptolemy, Synesius, Euclid |
Ambrosiana A 95 sup. |
14th |
Medicine |
Galen, Dioscorides |
Ambrosiana B 12 inf. |
12th |
Theology, Saints lives |
Gregory Nazianzus |
Ambrosiana B 12 sup. |
10th, 11th |
Lexicon |
Ambrosiana B 4 sup. |
10th |
Letters |
Isidore of Pelusium, Theophylact Simocatta, Procopius of Gaza, Photius |
Ambrosiana B 7 inf. |
13th, 15th |
Philosophy |
Aristotle, Simplicius |
Ambrosiana B 77 sup. |
15th |
Mathematics |
Nicomachus of Gerasa, John Philoponus |
Ambrosiana C 10 inf. |
15th |
Philosophy, Hymns |
Plato, Proclus, Homer |
Ambrosiana C 100 sup. |
14th |
Theology |
Philagathus of Cerami |
Ambrosiana C 108 sup. |
15th, 16th |
Astronomy |
Cleomedes |
Ambrosiana C 112 sup. |
16th |
Philosophy |
Proclus, Nicholas of Methone |