Geōrgiou tou Scholariou Hapanta ta heuriskomena = Oeuvres complètes de Georges Scholarios |
Un grand mystique byzantin |
Le Inedite |
A manual of Eastern Roman law |
Encomium of Saint Gregory, bishop of Nyssa, on his brother Saint Basil, archbishop of Cappadocian Caesarea |
The Alexiad of the Princess Anna Comnena |
Correspondance de Nicéphore Grégoras |
A manual of later Roman law |
A revised manual of Roman law |
Letter to the Bulgar tsar Peter |
Das Leben des heiligen Porphyrios Bischofs von Gaza, beschrieben von dem Diakon Markus |
Chronographie |
S. Ephren et La Sainte Euchariste |
A manual of Roman law, the Ecloga published by the emperors Leo III and Constantine V of Isauria at Constantinople A.D. 726 |
S. Ephren et La Sainte Euchariste |
Saint Basil, the letters |
The ecclesiastical history |
The letters of Synesius of Cyrene, translated into English with introduction and notes by Augustine FitzGerald |
Byzantinischer Kommentar zu Hermogenes |
Das Traumbuch des Synesius von Kyrene |
S. Ephren et La Sainte Euchariste |
S. Ephren et La Sainte Euchariste |
The Bazaar of Heracleides |
Theodore Gaza's De fato |
Anthropologie hrsg. von dr. Emil Orth |
History of the later Roman empire from the death of Theodosius I. to the death of Justinian (A.D. 395 to A.D. 565) |
Hymnen und Lieder der christlichen Zeit. Lobgesänge und Psalmen |
Neue Quellen zur Geschichte des lateinischen Kaisertums und der Kirchenunion. 1 |
Philostratus and Eunapius |
The Roman family by S.A. Leathley |
The dialogue of Palladius concerning the life of Chrysostom |
The first crusade |
Kallimachos a Chrysorrhoe |
The chronicle of Muntaner |
The early history of the Slavonic settlements in Dalmatia, Croatia, & Serbia |
The Library of Photius |
Knigi vremenʹnyi︠a︡ i obraznyi︠a︡ Georgii︠a︡ mnikha |
Quatre homélies de saint Jean Chrysostome. Textes monophysites |
The Lausiac history of Palladius |
The book of the popes |
The Life of St. Macrina |
Barlaam and Ioasaph |
Procopius |
The life of Porphyry, bishop of Gaza by Mark the deacon |
The works of the Emperor Julian |
The Farmer's Law |
Griechische liturgien |
Chronicle of Morea |
Le livre d'Héraclide de Damas Nestorius |
The Christian topography of Cosmas Indicopleustes |