Historické básně |
Výbor |
Výbor |
A poem on the refortification of Dorylaion in 1175 |
A rhetorical declamation of Sophonias the monk and paraphrast |
Chronographiae quae Theophanis continuati nomine fertur liber quo Vita Basilii Imperatoris amplectitur |
Geoponika |
George Amiroutzes : the philosopher and his tractates |
Inedita from the MS. Hauniensis 1899 |
Kassia the nun in context |
Metochites’s Poems and the Chora |
Questions and answers |
The Anonymous of Sola and the school of Nosiai |
The book of the secrets of the faithful of the cross |
The case against Diodore and Theodore |
The Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor |
The Greek life of St. Leo Bishop of Catania (BHG 981b) |
The Greek Life of St. Leo Bishop of Catania (BHG 981b) |
The metre in the poems of Christopher Mitylenaois |
Theophilus of Edessa's Chronicle and the circulation of historical knowledge in late antiquity and early Islam |
A los jóvenes |
Der Hymnus auf die zweite Kirchweih der Hagia Sophia im Jahr 562 |
Der ΛΟΓΟΣ ΠΑΡΑΙΝΕΤΙΚΟΣ des Michaelos Apostoles |
Für Religionsfreiheit, Recht und Toleranz |
Zu Ps.-Psellos, Gedichte 67 (Ad monachum superbum) und 68 (Ad eundem) |
Evkhologiĭ Barberini gr. 336 |
Metochites’s Poems and the Chora |
Omilie la Botezul Domnului |
Хроника |
Mowa pogrzebowa na cześć Ojca |
Commentaire sur le Cantique des cantiques |
Correspondance de Nicolas Cabasilas |
La 'Supplique à la très pieuse Augusta sur l'intérêt' de Nicolas Cabasilas |
La foi orthodoxe 1-44 |
Le prologue du 'Commentaire sur les petits prophètes' de Théophylacte d'Achrida |
I frammenti dalle epistole |
Alessiade |
Coricio di Gaza, XVII (= decl. 4) F.-R .: Milziade |
Due orazioni funebri (orr. VII-VIII Foerster, Richtsteig) |
I nomi divini = De divinis nominibus |
Il libro dei sogni |
L'agricoltura antica |
La risurrezione |
Panarion : libro primo |
Rose di Gaza |
Trattato delle virtù |
An analysis of Symeon the New Theologian's hymn LVI |
Commentary on Aristotle's Prior analytics |
Critique of Christian origins |
Divine eros |