Doukas, un historien byzantin du 15e siècle |
Les Hómelies sur l'Évangile de Luc de Titus de Bostra |
Panégyrique des saints Cyr et Jean Sophrone de Jérusalem |
Poèmes en hexamètres et en distiques élégiaques |
Selections Poèmes en hexamètres et en distiques élégiaques |
Bisanzio Roma e Kiev al tempo dell'imperatore Giovanni Tzimisce |
Corrispondenza |
Epitafio |
I tetrastici giambici ed esametrici sugli episodi principali della vita di Gregorio Nazianzeno Teodoro Prodromo |
La Passio dei ss. Lucia e Geminiano (BHG 2241) |
Mistici bizantini |
Novelle bizantine |
Omelie su Davide e Saul |
Paleologo : grandezza e caduta di Bisanzio |
Un epigramma ineditio di Giorgio Cabasila nel Laur. S. Marco 318 |
Chronicles of the Crusades |
Commentary on Isaiah Cyril of Alexandria |
Diseases of the kidney in medieval Persia |
Dreambooks in Byzantium |
Festal orations |
Jacob of Sarug's homilies on the resurrection |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on Epiphany |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on Palm Sunday |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the judgment of Solomon |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the presentation of our Lord |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the transfiguration of our Lord |
Libanius's Progymnasmata |
Macarius of Jerusalem |
On Aristotle metaphysics 3-4 |
On Aristotle Physics 5-8 |
On Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.1-8 |
On the nature of man |
The life of Severus |
The Slavonic translation of Saint Theognius of Jerusalem's Homilia in ramos palmarum |
Two anonymous sets of scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's Heavenly hierarchy |
Wider than heaven : eighth-century homilies of the Mother of God |
Gregorio, Sinesio, Proclo, Dionisio |
Historias |
Homilías sobre la carta a los hebreos |
Der Traktat "vom Mysterium Der Buchstaben" |
Ein unedierter Brief des Gregorios Antiochos an Demetrios Tornikes (Brief I) |
Ein unedierter Brief des Gregorios Antiochos an Demetrios Tornikes (Brief II) |
Gregorios' des Sinaïten 'Rede auf die heilige Verklärung unseres Herrn Jesu Christi' |
Priscians Darstellung der lateinischen Präpositionen |
Theophilou peri tēs tou anthrōpou kataskeuēs |
Historiai |
Hoi dekapente martyres tēs Tiverioupolēs |
Peri theiōn onomatōn |
Pchela |
Hotărarea sinodală de la Hiereia (754) |