Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 251 - 279 of 279
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
ÖNB Phil. gr. 293 16th Poems Homer, Theodore Prodromos
ÖNB Phil. gr. 39 16th Homer
ÖNB Phil. gr. 49 13th Homer
ÖNB Phil. gr. 56 13th Homer, Porphyry
ÖNB Phil. gr. 61 15th Homer
Patriarchal Library Photios 10 18th Homer
Sächsische LB Da 28 18th John Tzetzes, Homer
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1397 18th Homer
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1831 18th Plutarch, Homer
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1838 18th Theology Homer
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1857 18th Theology Homer
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek In Scrin. 56 13th Homer, Eustathios of Thessaloniki
Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Prov. o. 25 15th Grammar Aesop, Manuel Chrysoloras, Homer
Trinity College MS 922 14th Homer
U of Cambridge Christ's College Library MS Rouse 358 16th Homer
U of Cambridge Corpus Christi College Library 248 16th Homer, Hesiod
U of Cambridge Corpus Christi College Library 81 15th Homer
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.16.33 14th Literature John Tzetzes, Homer
U of Cambridge Trinity College R.16.35 15th, 16th Homer
U of Cambridge UL Add. 7872 5th, 10th Theology, Palimpsest Homer, John Chrysostom
U of Cambridge UL Ff. IV. 47 16th Poems Gregory Nazianzus, Homer, Lycophron
U. Library Gr. 71 Homer
U. Library Gr. 72 Homer
UB Mb 39 16th Homer, Sophocles
UB Pal. gr. 222 14th, 15th Homer
UB Pal. gr. 40 14th Sophocles, Pindar, Homer, John Tzetzes
UB Pal. gr. 45 14th Homer
Württembergische Landesbibliothek 5 15th Homer
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 478 11th Homer
