Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 201 - 250 of 279
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BNE 4565 15th Homer
BNE 4626 9th Homer
BNE 4629 15th Homer, Constantine Lascaris, Eustathios of Thessaloniki
BNE 4697 15th Theology Homer, Aristophanes, Aesop
BNE 4763 18th John Tzetzes, Homer
BNE 4797 15th Homer, Eustathios of Thessaloniki
BNE 4841 15th Homer
BNE 9971 17th Saints lives Eusebius of Caesarea, Homer, Porphyry
Bodleian Library Barocci 162 15th Philosophy Proclus, Plato, Homer
Bodleian Library Barocci 203 15th Homer
Bodleian Library Barocci 24 14th Homer, John Tzetzes
Bodleian Library Barocci 47 15th, 16th Homer, Michael Psellus
BR BPG 33H 15th Homer
BR BPG 74C 15th Hymns Homer
BR VGF 64 15th Homer, Eustathios of Thessaloniki, Porphyry
British Library Add MS 17210 6th Palimpsest Homer
British Library Burney MS 86 11th Homer
British Library Harley MS 1771 15th Homer
British Library Harley MS 5600 15th Homer
British Library Harley MS 5601 15th Homer
British Library Harley MS 5658 15th Homer
British Library Harley MS 5672 15th Homer
British Library Harley MS 5673 15th Homer
British Library Harley MS 5674 13th Homer
British Library Harley MS 5693 14th Homer
British Library Harley MS 5727 15th, 16th Homer
British Library Harley MS 6325 15th Homer
British Library Harley MS 952 17th Homer
British Library Kings MS 16 15th Homer
British Library Royal MS 16 D III A 16th John Tzetzes, Homer
British Library Royal MS 16 D III B 16th John Tzetzes, Homer
BS Cod. graec. 111 15th Anthologion Homer
BS Cod. graec. 233 15th Homer
BS Cod. graec. 311 13th, 15th Homer
BS Cod. graec. 333 15th, 16th Proclus, Homer, Herodotus
BS Cod. graec. 519b 13th, 14th Homer
BS Cod. graec. 88 16th Homer
Diocesan Library Kl f 13 18th Homer
Diocesan Library Sami 24 19 Homer
EBE 1063 17th Homer, Aristophanes
EBE 1297 18th Homer
EBE 1321 18th Hesiod, Homer, Euripides, Sophocles
Fondation Martin Bodmer Cod. 85 13th Homer
IPA MIET ms. 33 18th Education Homer, Sophocles, Euripides
KBR Ms. 11288 16th Lexicon Homer, Manuel Moschopoulos
Marciana gr. IX 29 14th Homer
Marciana gr. Z. 453 11th Homer
Marciana gr. Z. 454 10th Homer
Marciana gr. Z. 458 12th Homer, Michael Psellus
Marciana gr. Z. 613 13th Homer
