Epistola a Michele Cerulario |
Letters |
Photios' letter to his brother Tarasios on the death of his daughter |
Aus der Briefsammlung des Anonymus Florentinus |
Ein Brief an Makarios, den Metropoliten von Philadelpheia |
Lettres et discours |
Deux lettres inédites de Photius aux Arméniens |
Lettre de Démétrius Cydonès a Andronic Oenéote, grand juge des Romains (1369-1371) |
Lettres et discours |
Ein byzantinischer Spottbrief |
Le chartophylax Nicéphore |
Hierarchy and the definition of order in the letters of Pseudo-Dionysius. A study in the form and meaning of the Pseudo-Dionysian writings. By Ronald F. Hathaway |
Briefe von Gregor von Nazianz |
Fünfzehn Briefe von Demetrios Kydones |
An unknown Byzantine emperor, Andronicus V Palaeologus (1400-1407?) |
Leon Metropolit von Sardes und die Briefsammlung in Neap. III A 6 |
Lettres de 1453 |
Papyri from Hermopolis |
Some autographs of Nicephorus Gregoras |
Die Briefe des Patriarchen Photios an die italischen Bischöfe Marinus, Gauderich und Zacharias |
Deux lettres de Grégoire Antiochos Écrites de Bulgarie vers 1173 |
Epistole |
Three documents concerning the Tetragamy |
L’assaut avorté de la horde d’or contre l’empire byzantine (printemps-été 1341) |
Lettre inédite de Jean Cantacuzène relative a la controverse palamite |
Eight letters of Arethas on the fourth marriage of Leo the Wise |
Correspondance Théodoret de Cyr |
The correspondence of a tenth-century Byzantine scholar |
La lettre du pape Étienne V a l’empereur Basile Ier |
The imprisonment of Manuel Maschopulos in the year 1305 or 1306 |
Letters |
Letters concerning the Holy Spirit |
Correspondance |
Epistole |
Les recueils de lettres de Démétrius Cydonès |
The Armenian version of the pseudo-Athanasian Letter to the Antiochenes Sermo maior de fide and of the Expositio fidei |
Léon Choerosphactès, magistre, proconsul et patrice |
Correspondance |
Private letters, pagan and Christian |
Correspondance de Nicéphore Grégoras |
Letter to the Bulgar tsar Peter |
Saint Basil, the letters |
The letters of Synesius of Cyrene, translated into English with introduction and notes by Augustine FitzGerald |
The sixth book of the select letters of Severus, Patriarch of Antioch |
Three letters of Philoxenus, bishop of Mabbogh (485-519) |
Michael Akominatos von Chonä, Erzbischof von Athen |
Photios et ses freres |
Conflict and negotiation in the early church |