Lettres |
The correspondence of Ignatios, the Deacon |
The letter of the three patriarchs to Emperor Theophilus and related texts |
Lettere a Olimpiade Giovanni Crisostomo |
La lune de Psellos |
The life and letters of Theoleptos of Philadelphia |
Autobiography and selected letters |
The letters of Demetrios Kydones to Empress Helena Kantakouzene Palaiologina |
Cartas aTeodoro |
Epistola a Giovanni Xifilino Michele Psello |
Epistola a Michele Cerulario Michele Psello |
Letter Concerning the Sorceress to Bishop Theodoxios |
The letters of Ioannes Mauropous Metropolitan of Euchata |
The paschal letter of Alexander II, patriarch of Alexandria |
Discursos teològics |
Ein bisher unbekannter Brief des Patriarchen Gregor von Zypern an Johannes II., Sebastokrator von Thessalien |
St. Cyril of Alexandria |
Quelques lettres de Psellos inédites ou déjà éditées |
A women's quest for spiritual direction |
The Fathers speak |
Une letter de (Jean) l’Italien au patriarche de Constantinople? |
The correspondence of Leo, Metropolitan of Synada and Syncellus |
Der Fastenbrief des Metropoliten Nikifor an den Fürsten Vladimir Monomach |
Cento epistole a Manuele II Paleologo |
Iakovos Monachos, Letter 3 |
Psellos épigraphiste |
Letters of Gregory Akindynos |
Patriarch Photios of Constantinople |
The Patriarch and the Prince |
Contra los galileos. Cartas y fragmentos. Testimonios. Leyes |
A letter of Michael Psellos to Constantine the nephew of Michael Cerularios |
Briefe |
Captivity and dialogue : Gregory Palamas (1296-1360) and the Muslims |
La captivité de Palamas chez les Trucs |
Tzetzes' letters to Leo at Dristra |
Lettre de Sophrone de Jʹerusalem à Arcadius de Chypre |
Théodore Daphnopatès correspondance |
Dva pis'ma Mikhaila Psella |
Lettre au Sultan Malik-Shah rédigée par Michel Psellos |
The letters of Manuel II Palaeologus |
Dopisy |
Dopisy |
Letter to the monks of the Chora (Logos 15) and Letter to Sir Methodius Senacherim the monk |
The correspondence of Athanasius I, Patriarch of Constantinople |
The letters of St. Antony the Great |
Die Briefe des Matthaios von Ephesos im Codex Vindobonensis Theol. Gr. 174 |
Weitere Briefe an Makarios, den Metropoliten von Philadelphia (1336-1382) |
Les letters de Grégoire, higoumène d’Oxia |
Lettres d'un exilé (928-946) par Nicétas Magistros |
Epistola a Giovanni Xifilino |