The letters of Libanius from the age of Theodosius |
Die Briefsammlungen des Nikephoros Chumnos |
Τῇ βασιλίσσῃ μοναχῇ κυρᾷ |
Кой адресатът на писмото под но. 16 в документалната сбирка Ponemata Diaphora? |
A commentary on the 646th letter of Isidore of Pelusium |
Gregorii Antiochi opera : Orationes et epistulae |
Синесий Киренский. Личность и этикет в позднеантичной эпистолографии |
Lettres |
Due passi della lettera del prototrono a Costantino Porfirogenito |
La lettera ai ciprioti del Patriarca Callisto I |
The letters of Ioannēs Tzimiskes in the Chronicle of Mattʿēos Uṙhayecʿi. |
“What is plate and cooking pot and food and bread and table all at the same time?” |
Simeon, mitropolitul Evhaitei – un uitat autor duhovnicesc din Filocalii |
Wat ik schrijf, komt uit een verliefd hart |
La lettre de Basile le Minime à Syméon le Métaphraste |
Vivere è Cristo : lettera a Patrizio |
Gregory of Nazianzus's letter collection |
Die Briefe 40 und 41 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I |
Brief 836 |
Brief an Melchisedek Akropolites (ep. 95 Leone) |
Brief van Probus aan Manatine (Ugent Pap. Inv. 69) |
Vergelijking tussen het Oude en het Nieuwe Rome |
Desire, dreams, and visions in the letters of emperor Konstantinos VII Porphyrogennetos and Theodoros of Kyzikos |
Из третьей сотницы писем |
Epistle 1342 |
Epistle 137 |
Letters |
Lettre canonique, Lettre sur la pythonisse et six homélies pastorales |
Epistole |
La formazione del principe |
Quattro lettere sconosciute di Giuseppe Kalothetos |
The letters of Theodoros Hyrtakenos |
The Rabbula Corpus |
Pogańscy mistrzowie chrześcijan |
Un letter de Ioannes Tzetzes au Protosébaste Isaac frère de l'Empereur byzantin Jean II |
Discours historique |
Saint Jean Chrysostome et ses écrits à Théodore |
Lettera d'invettiva contro il patriarca Metrofane II |
Pharmaceutical diplomacy |
Psellos and the patriarchs |
Spiritual guidance in ninth-century Byzantium |
Epistolographie und Astronomie in der fruhen Palaiologenzeit |
Zwei unedierte Briefe des Gregorios Antiochos an den Metropoliten von Neu-Patras Euthymios Malakes |
Baptême et communion des jeunes enfants |
Emperor Manuel II and Patriarch Euthymios II on the jurisdiction of the Church of Ohrid |
Mnogosložnyj Svitok |
Die Pachom-Briefe |
Mnogosložnyj Svitok |
Per l’epistolario di Isidoro di Kiev |
Recruitment and conflict in sixth-century Antioch |