Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 401 - 450 of 877
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
British Library Add MS 8226 18th Philosophy Aristotle
British Library Add MS 8227 18th Poems, Philosophy
British Library Add MS 8228 18th Philosophy
British Library Add MS 8229 18th Grammar
British Library Add MS 8230 16th Michael Psellus, Gregory Pardus
British Library Add MS 8231 18th Lexicon, Medicine
British Library Add MS 8232 17th, 18th Philosophy, Grammar
British Library Add MS 8233 18th Lexicon
British Library Add MS 8234 18th Philosophy Antonius Byzantius
British Library Add MS 8235 18th Poems
British Library Add MS 8236 18th Poems
British Library Add MS 8237 18th Hymns
British Library Add MS 8238 17th Poems, History
British Library Add MS 8239 17th, 18th Grammar, Philosophy, Theology
British Library Add MS 8240 18th Grammar, Philosophy, Theology
British Library Add MS 8241 15th Romance, Poems
British Library Add MS 82951 16th Theology Justin Martyr
British Library Add MS 82952 16th Theology Ps.-Dionysius
British Library Add MS 82953 15th Contra Iudaeos Ps.-Gregentius
British Library Add MS 82954 14th Liturgy
British Library Add MS 82957 12th Gospel lectionary, Menologion
British Library Add MS 8865 18th Engineering
British Library Add MS 9347 15th Menologion, Theology
British Library Add MS 9348 11th, 12th, 13th Theology
British Library Add MS 9349 16th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias
British Library Add MS 9374 17th Theology
British Library Add MS 9824 15th Letters Synesius
British Library Arundel MS 211 17th Lexicon
British Library Arundel MS 516 13th Law
British Library Arundel MS 517 15th Letters Libanius, Synesius
British Library Arundel MS 518 16th History
British Library Arundel MS 519 16th History Palladius of Galatia
British Library Arundel MS 520 15th Hymns
British Library Arundel MS 521 15th Grammar, Rhetoric Manuel Moschopoulos
British Library Arundel MS 522 15th Hesiod, Euripides
British Library Arundel MS 523 14th History Constantine Manasses
British Library Arundel MS 524 11th Bible, Liturgy
British Library Arundel MS 525 15th Letters Phalaris
British Library Arundel MS 526 15th Grammar Manuel Chrysoloras
British Library Arundel MS 527 15th Theology, Hymns
British Library Arundel MS 528 15th Theology
British Library Arundel MS 529 12th Theology, Letters
British Library Arundel MS 530 15th Aristophanes
British Library Arundel MS 531 15th Diogenes Laertius
British Library Arundel MS 532 9th Theology Basil the Great
British Library Arundel MS 533 14th Canon law Theodore Balsamon
British Library Arundel MS 534 14th Theology Theophylact of Ochrid
British Library Arundel MS 535 14th Theology Isaac the Syrian
British Library Arundel MS 536 12th, 13th Gospel lectionary, Bible
British Library Arundel MS 537 15th Medicine
