Three poems |
Las verdades de la fe en las ocho catequesis de San Cirilo de Jerusalén |
Vita Antonii |
Book 7 of the Collection |
Homilies on Genesis Saint John Chrysostom |
Iamblichus' Life of Pythagoras, or, Pythagoric life |
The Emperor Julian |
The Fathers speak |
The first Christian histories |
El Fisiólogo, atribuido a San Epifanio |
Die bilderfeindlichen Schriften des Epiphanios von Salamis |
Contre Julien Cyrille d'Alexandrie |
Apologist |
La prière de l'Eglise d'Orient |
P'awstos Buzand's History of the Armenians |
Als joves, sobre la utilitat de la literatura grega |
Histoire ecclésiastique |
Discorsi ai giovani = Oratio ad adolescentes |
La vita di Mosè |
Sulla vita di Costantino |
Vita di Antonio |
Athanasius, Contra gentes |
Chrysostomus Nubianus |
On the incomprehensible nature of God |
The harp of the spirit |
The history of the church from Christ to Constantine |
Die griechische Gregoriosanaphora |
Tafsīr li-Sifr al-Aḥbār mansūb ilá al-Qiddīs Afrām al-Suryānī |
Hésychius de Jérusalem, Homélies sur Job |
On virginity |
The Philogelos, or, Laughter-lover |
Tafsīr li-Sifr al-Khurūj mansūb ilá al-Qiddīs Afrām al-Suryānī |
Fragments syriaques du Commentaire des Psaumes |
In difesa dei templi |
Instructions, letters, and other writings of Saint Pachomius and his disciples |
Contra los galileos. Cartas y fragmentos. Testimonios. Leyes |
Die drei Tage zwischen Tod und Auferstehung unseres Herrn Jesus Christus |
Homélies sur Ozias |
L'homélie pseudo-chrysostomienne sur la Transfiguration CPG 4724, BHG 1975 |
L'homélie pseudo-chrysostomienne sur la Transfiguration CPG 4724, BHG 1975 |
On the incarnation |
The fragmentary classicising historians of the later Roman Empire |
The lives of the Desert Fathers |
Die syrische Überlieferung der Schriften des Makarios herausgegeben von Werner Strothmann |
Sur le sacerdoce |
Omelie copte sulla Passione, sulla Croce e sulla Vergine di Ps eudo Cirillo di Gerusalemme |
The life of Antony and the letter to Marcellinus |
The Life of Saint Pachomius and his disciples |
Discours Libanios |
La Conversion Jean Chrysostome |