The life & regimen of the blessed & holy teacher Syncletica |
The life of Abba Aaron |
The life of Saint Macrina |
El espíritu santo |
Athanasius, die dritte Rede gegen die Arianer |
Pir desi︠a︡ti dev |
Magika logia tōn apo Zōroastrou magōn |
Vita di Antonio |
Constantine Byzantinus |
Constantine’s ‘pagan vision’ |
From Constantine to Julian |
Gregory of Nyssa's Treatise on the inscriptions of the Psalms |
Living in a city and living in a scetis |
The origin of Constantine |
The sons of Constantine |
Los cinco discursos teológicos |
Vida de Macrina, Elogio de Basilio |
Acht Reden gegen Juden Johannes Chrysostomus |
Contra els pagans i l’encarnació del Verb |
Contra els pagans i L’encarnació del Verb |
Sur l'égalité du père et du fils |
Vie d'Antoine |
Saint Nicholas, his life, the translation of his relics and his basilica in Bari |
Selected prose works St. Ephrem the Syrian |
St. Cyril of Alexandria |
The Coptic Life of Anthony translated and introduced by Tim Vivian |
Two Byzantine papyri from the collection at the University of Michigan |
Vida de Constantino |
Katechetische Homilien |
Saint Ephrem's Commentary on Tatian's Diatessaron |
Scholies a l'Ecclésiaste |
The Breviarium ab urbe condita |
The mind's long journey to the Holy Trinity : the Ad monachos of Evagrius Ponticus |
The soul and the resurrection |
Vegetius : epitome of military science |
Sobre la vida de Moisés |
La continuation de l’‘Histoire ecclésiastique’ d’Eusèbe par Gélase de Césarée |
Traité du Saint-Esprit |
Autobiography and selected letters |
Cinque vite di eremiti |
Against fate |
Contra los paganos |
Sobre la vocación cristiana |
Fī anna Allāh lā yumkinu idrākuh Yuḥannā al-Dhahabī al-Fam |
Storia di monaci |
Against Those Who Practice Usury |
Faith gives fullness to reasoning |
On the Pythagorean way of life Iamblichus |
The Goths in the fourth century |
Cartas aTeodoro |