Remembering Nicaea |
Stock characters speaking |
The letters of Libanius from the age of Theodosius |
Two fragments of the Sahidic version of Basil of Caesarea’s De ieiunio I from Codex CLM 562 |
Tome 1, Discours I–IV, les heritiers de Constantin |
Un mēmrā d’Ephrem le Syrien |
Breuis instructio de natura et quomodo credere debeamus e De Trinitate (CPG 2296) attribuita ad Atanasio di Alessandria |
Una nuova pagina inedita dell’omelia crisostomica Quod frequenter conveniendum sit |
Traditions in transmission : the medical and magical texts of a fourth-century Greek and Coptic codex (Michigan Ms. 136) in context |
Two Bouleutai, father and son, and a bronze statue of Poseidon referenced in a Greek inscription from the Samaria region |
Die Schrift des Alexander Monachus über die Kreuzauffindung |
Viața Sfântului Nifon al Constanțianei |
Homelies sur le Cantique des cantiques |
Alleged Athanasiana on the Song of Songs (CPG 2141.6) |
Cosmological questions answered with Severian of Gabala in MS Athonensis, Lavras B 43 (Eustratiadis 163) |
Homilies on the Our Father |
On the six days of creation |
Saint Julian of Cicilia : cult and hagiography |
El padrenuestro, el bautismo y la eucaristía |
Homilías sobre la carta a los efesios |
Синесий Киренский. Личность и этикет в позднеантичной эпистолографии |
Stemmen uit de stilte |
La relazione Dio e l’uomo |
Retorica e dinamiche del potere ad Antiochia nel IV secolo |
Metaphrasis Psalmorum |
The Coptic life of Aaron |
Гомилия «О мире» (CPG 4214) |
Предисловие к Толкова‐ нию на псалмы (фрагмент) |
Talcuire la Epistolele I și II către Timotei, către Tit și către Filimon |
La Passion de sainte Christine de Tyr/Bolsena |
Traités contre les ariens |
Trois oraisons funebres |
Confutazione di alcune dottrine aristoteliche |
Didymus the Blind’s Commentary on Psalms 26:10–29:2 and 36:1–3 (P.BYU I) |
Gregory of Nazianzus's letter collection |
Gregory of Nazianzus, carm. 1.1.21 (PG 37, 491–492) |
Oratio II contra Arianos |
Two Armenian Hymns on Abraham and Sarah Attributed to Ephrem the Syrian |
Panarión o el Botiquín contra todas las herejías |
Sobre los sínodos |
Cu privire la întoarcerea din Asia / De regressu (CPG 4394) |
Hristos pătimind |
Omilia la Nașterea Domnului a celui între Sfinți, Părintelui nostru Atanasie (PG 28, 959–972) |
Omilii la Evanghelia după Ioan |
Brief 836 |
Brief van Probus aan Manatine (Ugent Pap. Inv. 69) |
Commentaire sur Jean. I, Livre I |
Homélies sur le Notre Père |
Panégyriques de martyrs |
Orazione 44 |