Princeton Unversity Library

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Displaying 3851 - 3900 of 18824
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BAV Ott. gr. 368 16th Theology Basil the Great
BAV Ott. gr. 369 16th John Tzetzes
BAV Ott. gr. 37 pt.1 15th Theology Theophylact of Ochrid
BAV Ott. gr. 37 pt.2 15th Theology Theophylact of Ochrid
BAV Ott. gr. 370 17th Church councils
BAV Ott. gr. 371 16th Philosophy Plotinus
BAV Ott. gr. 372 16th Philosophy Aristotle
BAV Ott. gr. 373 9th Saints lives Athanasius, Cyril of Scythopolis
BAV Ott. gr. 374 16th Philosophy Aristotle, Olympiodorus
BAV Ott. gr. 375 16th Rhetoric Themistius
BAV Ott. gr. 377 16th Theology Palladius of Galatia
BAV Ott. gr. 378 16th Letters Ignatius of Antioch
BAV Ott. gr. 379 16th Theology Gregory Thaumaturgus, Demetrius Cydones
BAV Ott. gr. 380 16th Hymns John of Damascus
BAV Ott. gr. 381 12th Bible
BAV Ott. gr. 382 17th Theology Andrew of Crete, Theodorus Abucara
BAV Ott. gr. 383 17th Letters Isidore of Pelusium
BAV Ott. gr. 384 16th Islam, Contra Iudaeos, Grammar Gregory Pardus, Gregory Nazianzus, John VI Cantacuzenus
BAV Ott. gr. 385 16th Grammar, Letters Manuel Moschopoulos, Synesius
BAV Ott. gr. 386 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BAV Ott. gr. 39 16th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BAV Ott. gr. 398 pt.1 11th, 12th Theology
BAV Ott. gr. 398 pt.2 11th, 12th Theology
BAV Ott. gr. 40 17th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BAV Ott. gr. 41 17th Letters, Theology Gregory of Nyssa
BAV Ott. gr. 411 pt.1 14th, 15th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom
BAV Ott. gr. 411 pt.2 14th, 15th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom
BAV Ott. gr. 415 14th, 15th Saints lives
BAV Ott. gr. 424 7th, 8th, 9th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
BAV Ott. gr. 426 13th, 14th Saints lives
BAV Ott. gr. 428 11th Theology John Chrysostom, Gregory of Nyssa
BAV Ott. gr. 43 11th, 12th Theology
BAV Ott. gr. 431 11th Theology John Chrysostom
BAV Ott. gr. 434 13th Liturgy
BAV Ott. gr. 44 17th Theology Gregory of Nyssa, Gennadios II Scholarios
BAV Ott. gr. 449 16th Theology Anastasius Sinaita
BAV Ott. gr. 45 17th Geography
BAV Ott. gr. 450 10th, 11th, 12th Saints lives
BAV Ott. gr. 451 11th, 12th Theology
BAV Ott. gr. 458 12th Theology Anastasius Sinaita
BAV Ott. gr. 459 15th Florilegium
BAV Ott. gr. 46 17th Rhetoric Libanius, Eunapius
BAV Ott. gr. 469 pt.B 18th
BAV Ott. gr. 47 17th Theology Eusebius of Caesarea
BAV Ott. gr. 470 15th Church councils
BAV Ott. gr. 471 18th
BAV Ott. gr. 472 17th
BAV Ott. gr. 48 pt.1 17th Philosophy Philo
BAV Ott. gr. 48 pt.2 17th Philosophy Philo
BAV Ott. gr. 48 pt.3 17th Philosophy Philo
