Princeton Unversity Library

No name

Displaying 3401 - 3450 of 18823
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BAV Barb. gr. 448
BAV Barb. gr. 449 12th Illuminations, Bible
BAV Barb. gr. 45 15th Aristophanes
BAV Barb. gr. 450
BAV Barb. gr. 451
BAV Barb. gr. 452 16th Theology Maximus the Confessor
BAV Barb. gr. 453 Bible, Old Testament
BAV Barb. gr. 454 Theology Photius
BAV Barb. gr. 455 10th Theology John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Gregory Nazianzus
BAV Barb. gr. 456 13th, 14th Theology, Saints lives Gregory Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa
BAV Barb. gr. 457 Menaion
BAV Barb. gr. 458
BAV Barb. gr. 459
BAV Barb. gr. 46 15th Aristophanes
BAV Barb. gr. 460 Hymns
BAV Barb. gr. 461 Bible
BAV Barb. gr. 463 Theology, Women Methodius of Olympus
BAV Barb. gr. 464
BAV Barb. gr. 468 Hymns
BAV Barb. gr. 469 Menaion
BAV Barb. gr. 47 15th Aesop
BAV Barb. gr. 470
BAV Barb. gr. 471 Gospel lectionary
BAV Barb. gr. 472 8th Gospel lectionary
BAV Barb. gr. 474 12th Theology
BAV Barb. gr. 475 12th Bible
BAV Barb. gr. 476 Theology Basil the Great
BAV Barb. gr. 477 Theology Gennadios II Scholarios
BAV Barb. gr. 478
BAV Barb. gr. 48 17th History Nicephorus Gregoras
BAV Barb. gr. 480 Theology Maximus the Confessor, Anastasius Sinaita
BAV Barb. gr. 482 12th, 13th, 15th, 16th Bible, Liturgy
BAV Barb. gr. 483
BAV Barb. gr. 484 12th Liturgy, Hymns John of Damascus
BAV Barb. gr. 485 Theology
BAV Barb. gr. 488 Euchologion
BAV Barb. gr. 489
BAV Barb. gr. 49 17th Medicine
BAV Barb. gr. 490 Hymns
BAV Barb. gr. 491 17th Saints lives
BAV Barb. gr. 493 16th Theology Photius, Athanasius
BAV Barb. gr. 494 Theology
BAV Barb. gr. 495 Theology Cyril of Alexandria
BAV Barb. gr. 496 17th Theology Didymus, Anastasius Sinaita
BAV Barb. gr. 497 17th Theology
BAV Barb. gr. 5 16th Medicine Galen, Hippocrates
BAV Barb. gr. 50 16th, 17th Epigrammata
BAV Barb. gr. 502
BAV Barb. gr. 503
BAV Barb. gr. 504 Theology Cyril of Alexandria
