Torapezusu no sho koutei ni tsuite |
Édition de l’Homélie sur la Passion du Christ d’Anastase le Sinaïte (CPG 7754/BHG 416c) |
Le Livre des cérémonies |
Les Vies de sainte Domnika (BHG 562, 562d, 562f) |
Lettres |
Une version originale du Martyre des XLII d’Amorion |
Due passi della lettera del prototrono a Costantino Porfirogenito |
Encomio di S. Agata (BHG 38) |
Il ≪De Tragoedia≫ “barocciano” |
La lettera ai ciprioti del Patriarca Callisto I |
La relazione Dio e l’uomo |
Retorica e dinamiche del potere ad Antiochia nel IV secolo |
Scritti dal carcere |
Versi giambici |
A newly-discovered treatise from the School of Alexandria. Cosmas of Alexandria |
An astrological fragment from Oxyrhynchus |
Byzantium in the time of troubles |
Concluding a patristic triad |
Discourse on the exile of the patriarch Nikephoros of Constantinople |
Gregory Palamas : the Hesychast controversy and the debate with Islam |
Homilies |
Hymns of repentance |
Metaphrasis Psalmorum |
Monastic wine distributions in the eighth century |
Naqlun N. 76/93 : Cyril of Jerusalem, the Marian Dormition and the Sahidic Antiphonary |
Narrating martyrdom |
Of false philosophers and inept teachers |
On Morals or Concerning Education |
Preaching in the Second Iconoclasm |
The Coptic life of Aaron |
The Council of Ephesus of 431 |
The encomium of the five martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugenius, Mardarius and Orestes (BHG 646b) |
The independent transmission of Chapter 21 of the Slavic De hominis opificio in Codex Mosquensis, Russian State Archive 88 (Obolensky collection 201) |
The letters of Ioannēs Tzimiskes in the Chronicle of Mattʿēos Uṙhayecʿi. |
The story of the emperor Theophilos’ pardon |
Theodore the Stoudite's scholion on Ps.-Basil's Ascetic Constitutions |
Theosteriktos : a funeral oration on our holy Father and confessor Niketas |
Translation of primary sources on Hypatia |
“What is plate and cooking pot and food and bread and table all at the same time?” |
La poesía satírica de Juan Geómetra |
Der Exoduskommentar aus der "Eclogarum in libros historicos Veteris Testamenti epitome" |
Die Christologie des Philoxenus von Mabbug |
Die gefälschten Urkunden der Großkomnenen |
Konstantinopel 1204 |
Nomos Georgikos |
Rechenbuch |
Zum Verhaltnis zwischen dem Anonymus Treu (Par. suppl. gr. 607A), Iohannes Lydos, De mensibus und Porphyrios, De simulacris |
Zwei neuentdeckte Predigten des Nestorios |
Κειμενα για την Ελλαδα στην περιοδο των Κομνηνων |
Гомилия «О мире» (CPG 4214) |