Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1051 - 1100 of 1569
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BN Supplément grec 460 13th Philosophy, Diagrams Theodore Lascaris
BN Supplément grec 466 17th Philosophy Michael of Ephesus, Aristotle
BN Supplément grec 475 17th Theology, Philosophy Plethon
BN Supplément grec 488 17th Philosophy, Rhetoric Aristotle, Aphthonius
BN Supplément grec 489 17th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Supplément grec 492 17th Philosophy
BN Supplément grec 505A 16th, 17th, 18th Proverbs, Grammar, Philosophy, Letters, Theology Gregory of Cyprus, Plato, Euthymius Zigabenus, Gregory Pardus, Constantine Lascaris, Theophylact Simocatta, John Chrysostom
BN Supplément grec 521 18th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Supplément grec 522 16th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Supplément grec 524 16th Philosophy Nicephorus Blemmydes
BN Supplément grec 525 17th Grammar, Philosophy George Lacapenus, Theodore Prodromos, Constantine Lascaris, Porphyry
BN Supplément grec 541 15th Geometry, Philosophy, Grammar, Poems Hero of Alexandria, Aristotle, Boethius, Plutarch, Michael Psellus, Apollonius Dyscolus
BN Supplément grec 599 14th Philosophy Aristotle, Michael Psellus
BN Supplément grec 635 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th Medicine, Philosophy, Letters Galen, John of Damascus, Theophylact Simocatta
BN Supplément grec 640 17th Philosophy, Medicine Nemesius
BN Supplément grec 641 18th Philosophy, Medicine Nemesius
BN Supplément grec 642 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Supplément grec 643 13th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Supplément grec 644 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Supplément grec 645 18th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Supplément grec 65 13th Philosophy Arrian, Epictetus, Hierocles of Alexandria, Philostratus
BN Supplément grec 655 14th Rhetoric, Philosophy John Tzetzes, Aristophanes, Homer, Aristides, Aristotle, John Italus, Theodore Prodromos, Michael Psellus
BN Supplément grec 658 16th, 17th Philosophy, Rhetoric Synesius, Lycophron
BN Supplément grec 660 14th Philosophy, Rhetoric Plato, Synesius, Aeschines
BN Supplément grec 666 14th, 15th Philosophy Proclus, Plato
BN Supplément grec 668 11th Philosophy Plato
BN Supplément grec 683 16th, 17th, 18th Medicine, Philosophy, Poems
BN Supplément grec 684 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th Medicine, Astronomy, Philosophy Galen, Euripides, Hermes, Epictetus
BN Supplément grec 69 15th Philosophy, Rhetoric Plato, Isocrates, Agapetus
BN Supplément grec 695 18th Philosophy
BN Supplément grec 712 16th Philosophy George Pachymeres, Aristotle
BN Supplément grec 767 16th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Supplément grec 768 17th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Supplément grec 86 17th Philosophy Nemesius
BN Supplément grec 907 16th Philosophy Plethon, Bessarion
BN Supplément grec 921 9th, 14th Palimpsest, Astronomy, Philosophy Proclus, Plato, Ptolemy
BNE 4549 15th History, Philosophy Xenophon, Plethon
BNE 4553 14th, 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Porphyry
BNE 4563 15th Philosophy, Science Aristotle
BNE 4569 15th Philosophy Plato
BNE 4571 15th Philosophy, Theology Aristotle, Simplicius, John of Damascus
BNE 4572 15th Philosophy Porphyry, Plotinus
BNE 4573 15th Philosophy Plato
BNE 4574 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BNE 4578 16th Philosophy Aristotle
BNE 4599 16th Philosophy Plato, Ammonius, Olympiodorus
BNE 4601 16th Philosophy Aristotle, George Pachymeres
BNE 4602 16th Philosophy George Pachymeres
BNE 4614 15th Philosophy, Theology Michael Psellus, John of Damascus
BNE 4616 15th Philosophy, Science, Medicine Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias, Damascius, Symeon Seth, Paul of Aegina, Plethon, Nicephorus Gregoras, Synesius
