Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 101 - 150 of 302
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BML Plut. 59.49 15th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria
BML Plut. 70.14 16th Lexicon Hesychius
BN Coislin 177 14th Lexicon
BN Coislin 178 15th Lexicon John Zonaras
BN Coislin 179 15th Lexicon
BN Coislin 180 16th Rhetoric, Lexicon Libanius, Hermogenes, Choricius of Gaza
BN Coislin 181 17th Lexicon
BN Coislin 345 10th Lexicon
BN Coislin 346 13th Lexicon John Zonaras
BN Coislin 347 9th, 10th Lexicon
BN Coislin 392 14th, 15th Lexicon John Zonaras
BN Coislin 393 13th Lexicon John Zonaras
BN Coislin 394 11th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria
BN Grec 1631A 17th Lexicon Pindar, Constantine Harmenopoulos
BN Grec 2501 15th Astronomy, Lexicon Ptolemy
BN Grec 2552 15th Rhetoric, Grammar, Lexicon Herodian, Gregory Pardus
BN Grec 2610 16th History, Lexicon, Grammar Manuel Chrysoloras, Cyril of Alexandria, Flavius Josephus
BN Grec 2615 16th Lexicon, Medicine, Philosophy Hippocrates
BN Grec 2617 14th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria, Nicetas Heracleensis, Gregory Nazianzus
BN Grec 2618 18th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria
BN Grec 2619 14th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria
BN Grec 2620 15th Lexicon, Poems, Grammar, Theology Cyril of Alexandria, Michael Psellus, John Chrysostom, Gregory Nazianzus
BN Grec 2622 13th Lexicon Suda
BN Grec 2623 15th Lexicon Suda
BN Grec 2624 15th Lexicon Suda
BN Grec 2625 13th, 14th Lexicon Suda
BN Grec 2626 12th Lexicon Suda
BN Grec 2628 15th Lexicon
BN Grec 2630 12th, 13th Lexicon Suda
BN Grec 2631 13th Lexicon Suda
BN Grec 2632 14th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria
BN Grec 2635 15th Lexicon, Poems Eudemus, Michael Psellus
BN Grec 2636 15th, 16th Lexicon
BN Grec 2637 15th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria
BN Grec 2638 15th, 16th Lexicon
BN Grec 2640 16th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria
BN Grec 2646 15th Lexicon Julius Pollux
BN Grec 2647 13th Lexicon Julius Pollux
BN Grec 2648 15th Lexicon Julius Pollux, Euripides, Cato
BN Grec 2649 15th Lexicon, Grammar, Geometry Julius Pollux, Marcus Aurelius, Hero of Alexandria
BN Grec 2650 15th Lexicon, Rhetoric, Medicine Lucian, Symeon Seth, Thomas Magister
BN Grec 2653 16th Lexicon
BN Grec 2654 13th Lexicon
BN Grec 2655 13th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria
BN Grec 2656 12th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria, Epiphanius
BN Grec 2657 17th Lexicon Suda
BN Grec 2658 11th Lexicon, Theology Anastasius Sinaita
BN Grec 2659 12th Lexicon Cyril of Alexandria
BN Grec 2660 12th Lexicon, Letters John Philoponus, Isidore of Pelusium
BN Grec 2661 14th Lexicon, Florilegium, Letters, Theology Cyril of Alexandria, Libanius, Agapetus, Ephraem, Basil the Great, Synesius
