Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 101 - 150 of 349
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Biblioteca Vallicelliana F 86 14th Astronomy
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Frideric. IV Q 43 16th Astronomy Cleomedes
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka R 34 15th Rhetoric, Letters, Astronomy Synesius, Nemesius, Cleomedes, Nicephorus Gregoras
BM 170 17th Astronomy Aratus
BML Plut. 28.1 13th Astronomy Ptolemy
BML Plut. 28.13 14th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.14 14th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.16 14th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.17 14th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.18 10th Astronomy Ptolemy, Theon
BML Plut. 28.21 14th Astronomy John Philoponus
BML Plut. 28.26 9th, 10th Astronomy Theon
BML Plut. 28.27 11th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.28 15th Astronomy Proclus
BML Plut. 28.31 14th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.32 15th Astronomy Isaac monachus
BML Plut. 28.33 16th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.36 15th Astronomy Ptolemy
BML Plut. 28.39 11th Astronomy Hipparchus
BML Plut. 28.43 15th Astronomy Ptolemy
BML Plut. 28.46 15th Astronomy Ptolemy
BML Plut. 28.48 11th Astronomy Proclus, Theon
BML Plut. 28.7 14th Astronomy Theon
BML Plut. 58.13 15th Rhetoric, Mythology, Astronomy Lucius Annaeus Cornutus, John Lydus
BML Plut. 75.19 14th Medicine, Astronomy
BML Plut. 80.23 15th Astronomy Theophrastus
BML Plut. 85.22 15th Astronomy Theophrastus
BML Plut. 85.3 14th Astronomy Theophrastus
BML Plut. 86.15 14th Astronomy
BML Plut. 86.18 15th Astronomy Vettius Valens
BML Plut. 86.31 14th Science, Astronomy
BML Plut. 87.16 13th Philosophy, Astronomy, Letters Aristotle, Michael Psellus, Gregory Nazianzus
BN Coislin 171 16th Astronomy Ptolemy
BN Coislin 172 15th Harmonics, Astronomy Ptolemy
BN Coislin 173 14th Dreams, Harmonics, Geography, Astronomy Synesius, Ptolemy, Theon, Porphyry
BN Coislin 174 14th, 15th Mathematics, Astronomy, Geometry, Harmonics Cleomedes, Nicomachus of Gerasa, John Philoponus, Euclid, Ptolemy
BN Coislin 228 11th, 14th, 15th, 16th Theology, Astronomy, History, Medicine Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Flavius Josephus, Galen
BN Coislin 337 14th, 15th Geography, Astronomy Ptolemy
BN Coislin 338 15th Astronomy Theon, Ptolemy, Nicephorus Gregoras, John Philoponus
BN Coislin 384 13th Philosophy, Astronomy Olympiodorus, Aristotle, Meletius Monachus, Philo, Cleomedes, Theophrastus
BN Grec 1405 16th Geography, History, Astronomy, Rhetoric, Letters Herodotus, Hermes, Galen, Diogenes Laertius, Eunapius, Gregory Nazianzus, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa
BN Grec 1603 16th History, Geography, Astronomy, Theology, Medicine, Philosophy, Rhetoric Flavius Josephus, Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Symeon Seth, Aristotle, Dioscorides, Plethon, Nemesius, Xenophon, Libanius, John of Damascus, Plutarch, Aesop, Epiphanius, Arrian, Dionysius Periegetes, Julian Emperor of Rome
BN Grec 1823 16th Philosophy, Astronomy Plato, Olympiodorus, Michael Psellus, Theophrastus
BN Grec 1861 15th Philosophy, Science, Dreams, Animals, Astronomy Aristotle
BN Grec 1880 12th Astronomy Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias
BN Grec 1991 15th Oracula, Astronomy, Medicine John Lydus, Hermes, Galen
BN Grec 2100 16th Philosophy, Astronomy Nicephorus Blemmydes, Symeon Seth, Maximus the Confessor, John of Damascus
BN Grec 2139 17th Medicine, Astronomy
BN Grec 2155 14th Medicine, Astronomy Galen, Hippocrates, Gregory Nazianzus, Michael Psellus, Theophilus Protospatharius
BN Grec 2180 15th Medicine, Astronomy, Apocrypha, Magic Dioscorides, Galen, Hermes, Theophilus Protospatharius
