Biblioteca Vallicelliana F 86 |
14th |
Astronomy |
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Frideric. IV Q 43 |
16th |
Astronomy |
Cleomedes |
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka R 34 |
15th |
Rhetoric, Letters, Astronomy |
Synesius, Nemesius, Cleomedes, Nicephorus Gregoras |
BM 170 |
17th |
Astronomy |
Aratus |
BML Plut. 28.1 |
13th |
Astronomy |
Ptolemy |
BML Plut. 28.13 |
14th |
Astronomy |
BML Plut. 28.14 |
14th |
Astronomy |
BML Plut. 28.16 |
14th |
Astronomy |
BML Plut. 28.17 |
14th |
Astronomy |
BML Plut. 28.18 |
10th |
Astronomy |
Ptolemy, Theon |
BML Plut. 28.21 |
14th |
Astronomy |
John Philoponus |
BML Plut. 28.26 |
9th, 10th |
Astronomy |
Theon |
BML Plut. 28.27 |
11th |
Astronomy |
BML Plut. 28.28 |
15th |
Astronomy |
Proclus |
BML Plut. 28.31 |
14th |
Astronomy |
BML Plut. 28.32 |
15th |
Astronomy |
Isaac monachus |
BML Plut. 28.33 |
16th |
Astronomy |
BML Plut. 28.36 |
15th |
Astronomy |
Ptolemy |
BML Plut. 28.39 |
11th |
Astronomy |
Hipparchus |
BML Plut. 28.43 |
15th |
Astronomy |
Ptolemy |
BML Plut. 28.46 |
15th |
Astronomy |
Ptolemy |
BML Plut. 28.48 |
11th |
Astronomy |
Proclus, Theon |
BML Plut. 28.7 |
14th |
Astronomy |
Theon |
BML Plut. 58.13 |
15th |
Rhetoric, Mythology, Astronomy |
Lucius Annaeus Cornutus, John Lydus |
BML Plut. 75.19 |
14th |
Medicine, Astronomy |
BML Plut. 80.23 |
15th |
Astronomy |
Theophrastus |
BML Plut. 85.22 |
15th |
Astronomy |
Theophrastus |
BML Plut. 85.3 |
14th |
Astronomy |
Theophrastus |
BML Plut. 86.15 |
14th |
Astronomy |
BML Plut. 86.18 |
15th |
Astronomy |
Vettius Valens |
BML Plut. 86.31 |
14th |
Science, Astronomy |
BML Plut. 87.16 |
13th |
Philosophy, Astronomy, Letters |
Aristotle, Michael Psellus, Gregory Nazianzus |
BN Coislin 171 |
16th |
Astronomy |
Ptolemy |
BN Coislin 172 |
15th |
Harmonics, Astronomy |
Ptolemy |
BN Coislin 173 |
14th |
Dreams, Harmonics, Geography, Astronomy |
Synesius, Ptolemy, Theon, Porphyry |
BN Coislin 174 |
14th, 15th |
Mathematics, Astronomy, Geometry, Harmonics |
Cleomedes, Nicomachus of Gerasa, John Philoponus, Euclid, Ptolemy |
BN Coislin 228 |
11th, 14th, 15th, 16th |
Theology, Astronomy, History, Medicine |
Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Flavius Josephus, Galen |
BN Coislin 337 |
14th, 15th |
Geography, Astronomy |
Ptolemy |
BN Coislin 338 |
15th |
Astronomy |
Theon, Ptolemy, Nicephorus Gregoras, John Philoponus |
BN Coislin 384 |
13th |
Philosophy, Astronomy |
Olympiodorus, Aristotle, Meletius Monachus, Philo, Cleomedes, Theophrastus |
BN Grec 1405 |
16th |
Geography, History, Astronomy, Rhetoric, Letters |
Herodotus, Hermes, Galen, Diogenes Laertius, Eunapius, Gregory Nazianzus, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa |
BN Grec 1603 |
16th |
History, Geography, Astronomy, Theology, Medicine, Philosophy, Rhetoric |
Flavius Josephus, Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Symeon Seth, Aristotle, Dioscorides, Plethon, Nemesius, Xenophon, Libanius, John of Damascus, Plutarch, Aesop, Epiphanius, Arrian, Dionysius Periegetes, Julian Emperor of Rome |
BN Grec 1823 |
16th |
Philosophy, Astronomy |
Plato, Olympiodorus, Michael Psellus, Theophrastus |
BN Grec 1861 |
15th |
Philosophy, Science, Dreams, Animals, Astronomy |
Aristotle |
BN Grec 1880 |
12th |
Astronomy |
Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias |
BN Grec 1991 |
15th |
Oracula, Astronomy, Medicine |
John Lydus, Hermes, Galen |
BN Grec 2100 |
16th |
Philosophy, Astronomy |
Nicephorus Blemmydes, Symeon Seth, Maximus the Confessor, John of Damascus |
BN Grec 2139 |
17th |
Medicine, Astronomy |
BN Grec 2155 |
14th |
Medicine, Astronomy |
Galen, Hippocrates, Gregory Nazianzus, Michael Psellus, Theophilus Protospatharius |
BN Grec 2180 |
15th |
Medicine, Astronomy, Apocrypha, Magic |
Dioscorides, Galen, Hermes, Theophilus Protospatharius |