Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 101 - 122 of 122
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
British Library Sloane MS 745 13th Medicine, Animals
BS Cod. graec. 134 16th Animals Oppianus, John Tzetzes
BS Cod. graec. 135 16th Animals
BS Cod. graec. 69 16th Animals, Medicine Actuarius, Paul of Aegina
BU 2302 15th, 16th Philosophy, Animals, Astronomy Aristotle
EBE 1252 18th Animals Manuel Philes
Marciana gr. IV 35 16th Animals Epiphanius
Marciana gr. XI 1 11th, 12th, 14th Menaion, Letters, Grammar, Animals, Epigrammata George Lacapenus
ÖNB Phil. gr. 290 15th Animals Epiphanius
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 108 13th Theology, Philosophy, Animals Michael Psellus, Theophylact Simocatta, Aristotle, Leo VI the Wise, Alexander Aphrodisias, John Tzetzes, Nicholas of Methone, Theophylact of Ochrid
Royal Library Fabricius 75 13th, 14th Anthologion, Animals, Poems Aelian, Paul Silentiarios, Manuel Moschopoulos, Marcus Aurelius
Sächsische LB Da 27 15th Geography, Animals Oppianus
Staatsbibliothek Phillipps 1538 (gr. 134) 10th Medicine, Animals
U of Cambridge Emmanuel College 251 13th Animals, Palimpsest
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.9.16 17th Animals
U of Cambridge UL Add. 1732 14th Philosophy, Science, Animals Aristotle
U of Cambridge UL Kk. V. 8 16th Grammar, Animals Oppianus
U. Library Gr. 26 Animals, Rhetoric Aristotle, Hermogenes
U. Library Gr. 27 15th, 16th Animals Aelian
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 255 15th Animals, Geography Oppianus, Dionysius Periegetes
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 269 16th Animals Oppianus, John Tzetzes
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 490 16th Animals Oppianus, Thomas Magister
