Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 151 - 180 of 180
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BS Cod. graec. 493 15th Philosophy Porphyry, Aristotle, Sextus Empiricus
BS Cod. graec. 530 16th Philosophy Aristotle, Porphyry
BS Cod. graec. 86 16th Philosophy, Rhetoric Porphyry, Plotinus, Eunapius
BU 2048.5 16th Harmonics Ptolemy, Porphyry
BU 2280 16th Geography, Astronomy, Harmonics Ptolemy, Porphyry, Proclus
Christ Church College Wake gr. 46 16th Philosophy, Science Nicephorus Blemmydes, John Italus, Michael Psellus, Symeon Seth, Porphyry
HAB Gud. gr. 3 16th Harmonics Porphyry, Ptolemy
Marciana gr. IV 5 14th Philosophy Porphyry, Aristotle
Marciana gr. IV 53 12th Philosophy Porphyry, Aristotle
Marciana gr. VI 10 12th Harmonics Ptolemy, Porphyry, Plutarch
Marciana gr. Z. 201 10th Philosophy Porphyry, Aristotle
Marciana gr. Z. 202 13th, 15th Philosophy John Philoponus, Aristotle, Porphyry, Michael Psellus, John Pediasimus
Marciana gr. Z. 204 14th Philosophy Porphyry, Aristotle
Marciana gr. Z. 211 13th Philosophy Simplicius, Aristotle, John Philoponus, Porphyry, Themistius, Theophrastus
Marciana gr. Z. 314 15th Astronomy Ptolemy, Porphyry, Theon
ÖNB Phil. gr. 139 14th Philosophy, Geometry Aristotle, Ammonius, Porphyry, John Philoponus, Alexander Aphrodisias, Themistius, Proclus, Euclid
ÖNB Phil. gr. 176 15th Harmonics Porphyry, Plutarch
ÖNB Phil. gr. 225 15th Philosophy, Poems Hierocles of Alexandria, Plato, Diogenes Laertius, Plethon, Porphyry
ÖNB Phil. gr. 330 14th, 15th, 16th Theology, Philosophy Elias Philosophus, Porphyry, John of Damascus
ÖNB Phil. gr. 56 13th Homer, Porphyry
ÖNB Phil. gr. 69 15th Philosophy Elias Philosophus, Porphyry, Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 67 14th Philosophy Aristotle, Michael Psellus, Porphyry
Princeton UL MS 180 13th Philosophy, Theology, Poems John of Damascus, Ammonius, Porphyry, Michael Psellus
U of Cambridge Trinity College O.5.27 17th Harmonics Porphyry, Ptolemy
U of Cambridge UL Nn. I. 24 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Porphyry
U. of Pennsylvania Library LJS 97 16th Harmonics Porphyry
U. Library Gr. 52 16th Harmonics Michael Psellus, Manuel Bryennius, Porphyry
UB gr. 25 16th Philosophy Porphyry
UB Mb 24 13th, 14th Grammar, Philosophy Manuel Moschopoulos, Aristotle, Porphyry
Yale U. Library Beinecke MS 256 13th Philosophy Aristotle, Porphyry, Ammonius, Michael Psellus
