BN Grec 1215 |
11th |
Theology |
Andrew of Crete, John Chrysostom, Gregory Thaumaturgus, John of Damascus |
BN Grec 136 |
11th, 14th, 15th |
Bible, Old Testament, Theology, Saints lives |
Basil the Great, Andrew of Crete |
BN Grec 1447 |
10th, 11th |
Theology, Saints lives |
Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Ephraem, Epiphanius, Gregory Nazianzus, Athanasius, Cyril of Jerusalem, Andrew of Crete, Cyril of Alexandria |
BN Grec 1453 |
11th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John Chrysostom, John of Damascus, Cyril of Alexandria, Andrew of Crete |
BN Grec 1454 |
10th, 11th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John Chrysostom, Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus, Andrew of Crete |
BN Grec 1458 |
11th |
Theology, Saints lives |
Epiphanius, Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus, Andrew of Crete, John Chrysostom, Gregory of Nyssa |
BN Grec 1474 |
11th, 12th |
Saints lives, Theology, History |
Flavius Josephus, Andrew of Crete, Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Gregory Nazianzus |
BN Grec 1476 |
9th |
Theology |
Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Gregory Thaumaturgus, John of Damascus, Epiphanius |
BN Grec 1485 |
10th |
Saints lives |
Ephraem, Andrew of Crete |
BN Grec 1504 |
12th |
Theology, Saints lives |
Sophronius, Methodius of Olympus, John Chrysostom, Anastasius Sinaita, Andrew of Crete, Gregory of Nyssa, Basil the Great |
BN Grec 1516 |
11th |
Saints lives, Theology, History |
Flavius Josephus, John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete |
BN Grec 1521 |
12th, 13th |
Saints lives, Theology |
Andrew of Crete, Symeon Metaphrastes |
BN Grec 1551 |
14th |
Saints lives, Theology |
Andrew of Crete, John Chrysostom, Gregory Nazianzus, Basil the Great, Sophronius, Epiphanius |
BN Grec 1554A |
14th |
Theology |
Epiphanius, John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Sophronius |
BN Grec 1556 |
14th, 15th |
Saints lives |
Ephraem, John Chrysostom, Theodore the Studite, Athanasius, Cyril of Alexandria, Andrew of Crete, Anastasius Sinaita, Gregory Nazianzus |
BN Grec 1595 |
15th |
Theology |
John Chrysostom, Sophronius, Andrew of Crete, Ephraem, Epiphanius, Gregory Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, Cyril of Alexandria, Athanasius |
BN Grec 220 |
13th |
Theology |
Andrew of Crete |
BN Grec 3048 |
15th |
Rhetoric, Theology |
Theodore Lascaris, Andrew of Crete, Theodore the Studite |
BN Grec 371 |
16th |
Hymns |
Andrew of Crete |
BN Grec 760 |
12th, 14th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Ephraem |
BN Grec 763 |
10th |
Theology |
John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Basil the Great |
BN Grec 766 |
9th |
Theology |
John Chrysostom, Gregory Nazianzus, Andrew of Crete |
BN Grec 769 |
13th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John Chrysostom, Eusebius of Caesarea, Andrew of Crete |
BN Grec 770 |
14th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Ephraem |
BN Grec 771 |
14th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Ephraem, Cyril of Alexandria |
BN Grec 772 |
15th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Ephraem, Basil the Great |
BN Grec 773 |
15th |
Theology |
John Chrysostom, Ephraem, Gregory Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, Andrew of Crete, Basil the Great |
BN Grec 774 |
15th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete |
BN Grec 819 |
16th |
Theology |
John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Theodore the Studite |
BN Grec 897 |
12th, 13th, 14th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John of Damascus, Ephraem, John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Theodore the Studite, Sophronius |
BN Grec 986 |
16th |
Theology |
Gregory Nazianzus, John Chrysostom, Athanasius, Andrew of Crete, John of Damascus, Epiphanius |
BN Grec 987 |
16th |
Theology |
Gregory Nazianzus, John Chrysostom, Ephraem, Andrew of Crete, John of Damascus, Epiphanius, Sophronius, Gregory Thaumaturgus |
BN Supplément grec 1012 |
11th, 14th |
Theology |
John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, John of Damascus, Leo VI the Wise, Gregory of Nyssa |
BN Supplément grec 1155 |
7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th |
Bible, Theology |
Andrew of Crete, Evagrius, John of Damascus |
BN Supplément grec 159 |
13th |
Theology, Bible |
Nicetas Heracleensis, Andrew of Crete |
BN Supplément grec 592 |
17th |
Theology |
John Chrysostom, Maximus the Confessor, Andrew of Crete |
BN Supplément grec 773 |
16th |
Letters, Theology |
Eusebius of Caesarea, Epiphanius, John of Damascus, Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus, Andrew of Crete |
BNE 4798 |
16th |
Theology, Saints lives, Letters |
Maximus the Confessor, Isidore of Pelusium, Andrew of Crete |
BRU Giacomo Longo S. Salv. 2 |
8th, 9th, 12th |
Palimpsest, Theology, Medicine |
Ephraem, John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Paul of Aegina, Anastasius Sinaita, Epiphanius, John of Damascus |
BRU Giacomo Longo S. Salv. 3 |
12th |
Theology, Saints lives, History |
Gregory of Nyssa, Cyril of Alexandria, Andrew of Crete, John Chrysostom, Anastasius Sinaita, John of Damascus, Flavius Josephus |
BRU Giacomo Longo S. Salv. 4 |
12th, 13th |
Theology, Saints lives |
Gregory Nazianzus, Andrew of Crete |
BS Cod. graec. 118 |
10th, 11th |
Theology |
John Chrysostom, Sophronius, Andrew of Crete |
BS Cod. graec. 146 |
11th |
Theology |
John of Damascus, John Chrysostom, Gregory Nazianzus, Andrew of Crete |
Dionysios 339 |
17th |
Saints lives |
John of Damascus, Andrew of Crete |
Lavra Delta 78 |
11th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John of Damascus, Andrew of Crete |
Lavra Delta 79 |
11th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John of Damascus, Andrew of Crete, John Zonaras, Sophronius |
Lavra Delta 84 |
13th |
Theology, Saints lives |
John of Damascus, John Chrysostom, Sophronius, Andrew of Crete |
Marciana gr. Z. 360 |
10th, 11th |
Theology, Saints lives, History |
Gregory of Nyssa, Flavius Josephus, Andrew of Crete, John Chrysostom, Michael Psellus |
ÖNB Theol. gr. 233 |
15th |
Theology |
John Chrysostom, Basil the Great, Andrew of Crete, John of Damascus |
Patriarchal Library Hagios Sabas 13 |
10th, 11th |
Saints lives, Theology |
John Chrysostom, John of Damascus, Gregory Nazianzus, Andrew of Crete, Ephraem |