Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 201 - 250 of 3853
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BN Coislin 285 14th, 15th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete, Sophronius, John of Damascus, Anastasius Sinaita
BN Coislin 286 14th Saints lives, Theology
BN Coislin 287 13th Theology Neophytus Inclusus
BN Coislin 288 15th Philosophy
BN Coislin 289 17th Theology
BN Coislin 29 12th Bible, Theology John Chrysostom
BN Coislin 290 17th Theology
BN Coislin 291 14th Theology Symeon the New Theologian
BN Coislin 292 11th, 12th Theology Symeon the New Theologian
BN Coislin 293 11th Theology Maximus the Confessor
BN Coislin 294 11th, 12th Florilegium
BN Coislin 295 14th Saints lives Palladius of Galatia
BN Coislin 296 12th Theology Anastasius Sinaita, Basil the Great, Ephraem
BN Coislin 297 12th Theology Nicon Monachus
BN Coislin 298 11th, 12th Theology
BN Coislin 299 11th Theology Athanasius, Cyril of Alexandria
BN Coislin 3 12th Bible, Old Testament
BN Coislin 30 12th Bible, Theology Oecumenius
BN Coislin 301 14th Saints lives
BN Coislin 302 17th Theology
BN Coislin 303 10th Saints lives, Letters, Theology Nilus, Athanasius, Maximus the Confessor
BN Coislin 304 14th Theology, Saints lives
BN Coislin 305 11th History George Hamartolos
BN Coislin 306 16th Saints lives
BN Coislin 307 16th Saints lives
BN Coislin 308 14th Barlaam and Joasaph, Romance
BN Coislin 309 14th Saints lives
BN Coislin 31 11th Liturgy, Gospel lectionary
BN Coislin 310 10th History George Hamartolos
BN Coislin 311 12th History Anna Comnena
BN Coislin 312 14th, 15th History Michael Glykas
BN Coislin 313 14th History Cedrenus
BN Coislin 314 15th History Laonicus Chalcocondyles
BN Coislin 315 17th Theology Nicholas Chamaetos Kabasilas, Demetrius Cydones
BN Coislin 316 15th, 16th History Xenophon
BN Coislin 317 14th, 15th, 16th History Thucydides, Xenophon
BN Coislin 318 16th History Polybius
BN Coislin 319 11th Plutarch
BN Coislin 32 12th Canon law
BN Coislin 320 15th History John Xiphilin
BN Coislin 321 16th History, Letters Aelian, Philostratus
BN Coislin 322 12th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
BN Coislin 323 14th Philosophy, Rhetoric Aristotle, Themistius, Demosthenes, Aristides
BN Coislin 324 15th Philosophy, Rhetoric Aristotle, Libanius, Demosthenes
BN Coislin 325 17th Philosophy Plato, Olympiodorus
BN Coislin 326 17th Philosophy Plato, Olympiodorus
BN Coislin 327 14th Philosophy Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias
BN Coislin 328 15th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, Aristotle
BN Coislin 329 17th Philosophy Aristotle, Syrianus
BN Coislin 33 17th Church councils
