Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 51 - 100 of 970
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BML Plut. 10.3 12th Theology John Moschus, Maximus the Confessor, John Cassian, Evagrius
BML Plut. 10.30 14th Theology
BML Plut. 10.31 15th Saints lives, Theology Andrew of Crete, John Chrysostom, Demetrius Chrysoloras, John Mauropus
BML Plut. 10.32 15th Philosophy Iamblichus, Eusebius of Caesarea, Justin Martyr
BML Plut. 10.4 11th Theology Oecumenius
BML Plut. 10.6 10th Theology Oecumenius
BML Plut. 10.7 11th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BML Plut. 10.8 11th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BML Plut. 10.9 14th Theology Theophylact of Ochrid
BML Plut. 11.1 14th Saints lives
BML Plut. 11.10 11th, 12th Saints lives
BML Plut. 11.11 11th Saints lives
BML Plut. 11.12 15th Liturgy, Hymns, Theology Ephraem
BML Plut. 11.13 14th Rhetoric Lucian
BML Plut. 11.14 11th Stephanites and Ichnelates, Florilegium Symeon Seth
BML Plut. 11.15 14th Theology, Saints lives Ephraem, Gregory Nazianzus, John Chrysostom, Andrew of Crete
BML Plut. 11.16 12th, 13th Saints lives
BML Plut. 11.17 15th Oracula
BML Plut. 11.18 14th Theology Theophylact of Ochrid
BML Plut. 11.19 15th Saints lives
BML Plut. 11.2 11th Saints lives
BML Plut. 11.20 11th Saints lives
BML Plut. 11.21 12th, 13th Saints lives John Chrysostom, Athanasius, Nilus
BML Plut. 11.22 13th Theology
BML Plut. 11.3 15th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BML Plut. 11.4 11th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BML Plut. 11.5 11th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BML Plut. 11.6 12th Theology Theophylact of Ochrid
BML Plut. 11.7 14th Theology, Saints lives Theophylact of Ochrid
BML Plut. 11.8 12th Theology Theophylact of Ochrid
BML Plut. 11.9 11th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom, Cyril of Scythopolis
BML Plut. 13.dextr.3 13th Letters, Theology Ps.-Dionysius
BML Plut. 16.40 16th Nicolaus Hydruntinus
BML Plut. 17.13 15th Psalter, Bible
BML Plut. 22.sin.3 11th Grammar Priscian
BML Plut. 23.dextr.3 12th Theology
BML Plut. 28.1 13th Astronomy Ptolemy
BML Plut. 28.10 15th Geometry Euclid
BML Plut. 28.11 15th Music Manuel Bryennius
BML Plut. 28.12 14th Mathematics Theon
BML Plut. 28.13 14th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.14 14th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.15 14th Geography Ptolemy
BML Plut. 28.16 14th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.17 14th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.18 10th Astronomy Ptolemy, Theon
BML Plut. 28.19 14th Geography Strabo
BML Plut. 28.2 14th Geometry Euclid
BML Plut. 28.20 14th Philosophy Porphyry
BML Plut. 28.21 14th Astronomy John Philoponus
