Feuer auf die Erde |
Un kontakion inédit et le culte de saint Aréthas à Constantinople |
Encomium for his mother |
Funeral oration for this daughter Styliane, who died before the age of marriage |
Letters regarding Psellos' family |
On the festival of St. Agathē |
The court memorandum (hypomnēma) regarding the engagement of his daughter |
To his grandson, who was still an infant |
Un apoftegma di Simeone il Nuovo Teologo |
Michael Psellos : the Encomium of His Mother |
The history of Leo the Deacon |
Vidas de los emperadores de Bizancio |
Oratio de monasteriis laicis non tradendis |
A feast for the senses |
Symeon the New Theologian, Epistle 2 |
A Byzantine instructional manual on siege defense |
Cosmological confectionary and equal opportunity in the eleventh century |
Elias the Monk |
Ho hagios Athanasios ho Athōnitēs |
Khronografii︠a︡ ; Kratkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ |
Sovety i rasskazy |
An anti-Latin essay of Psellos revisited |
[Excerpts on astrology] |
Historia |
Oracoli caldaici |
Vita di Alessandro il Macedone a cura di Carlo Franco |
Aspasius, Anonymous, Michael of Ephesus |
Michael Psellos on Rhetoric |
Speaking with God from the depths of the heart |
Byzantine monastic foundation documents |
The life of Lazaros of Mt. Galesion |
Theodore psalter |
Consejos de un aristócrata bizantino |
El fuego de lo Alto |
La satira bizantina dei secoli XI-XV |
Raccomandazioni e consigli di un galantuomo |
Tārīkh al-Anṭākī |
Christian dualist heresies in the Byzantine world, c. 650-c. 1450 |
Metamorphoseon permulti libri |
Das Briefcorpus des Michael Psellos |
Metamorphoseon permulti libri |
Bogoslovskie sochineni︠i︡a |
Cronografia |
Alexios I Komnenos |
La lune de Psellos |
Le panégyrique de la Sainte Mère de Dieu |
On the mystical life |
Tre canoni di Giovanni Mauropode in onore di santi militari |
Image and ekphrasis in Michael Psellos' sermon on the crucifixion |
Saint Nicholas, his life, the translation of his relics and his basilica in Bari |